- 1-4 Lane Support
- Line rates ranging from:
- 260 to 2500 Mbps for AMD Versalâ„¢ adaptive SoCs
- 80 to 2500 Mbps, refer to the datasheet of your device
- Supports different data types with a fixed Virtual Channel Identifier (VC) of 0. For a list of data types, refer to the DSI Data type GUI parameter
- Programmable EoTp generation support
- ECC generation for packet header
- CRC generation for data bytes (optional)
- Optional DCS Command mode support to send command packets long/short
- Pixel-to-byte conversion based on data format
- AXI4-Lite interface to access core registers
- Compliant with AXI4-Stream Video IP and System Design Guide (UG934) for input video stream
- Interrupt generation to indicate subsystem status information