RX Only Sample Video PHY Controller Log - 2.2 English - PG230

Video PHY Controller LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG230)

Document ID
Release Date
2.2 English

The following log entry was taken from a GTXE2 Video PHY Controller using the QPLL to clock the RX. The log shows a typical flow for a video format change on the RX.

VPHY log
RX frequency event
RX timer event
RX DRU disable
QPLL reconfig done
GT RX reconfig start
GT RX reconfig done
QPLL lock
RX reset done
RX MMCM reconfig done

The following log entry shows the flow necessary to use the DRU clock and CPLL:

VPHY log
GT init start
GT init done
RX frequency event
RX timer event
DRU enable
CPLL reconfig done
GT RX reconfig start
GT RX reconfig done
CPLL lock
RX reset done
RX MMCM reconfig done