When a reference clock is used with QPLL0/1, the Video PHY Controller core opens four input ports, a GT channel clock, two common
clocks, and a fabric clock (suffix odiv2
). For example,
SOUTHREFCLK0 is used with QPLL0/1, the core opens the following input ports:
- This port is the GT Channel clock and must be connected to the IBUF_OUT port of the IBUFDSGTE GT input clock buffer. See the following figure.
- This port is the QPLL0 clock and must be connected to the IBUF_OUT port of the IBUFDSGTE GT input clock buffer. See the following figure.
- This port is the QPLL1 clock and must be connected to the IBUF_OUT port of the IBUFDSGTE GT input clock buffer. See the following figure.
- This port is the fabric clock and must be connected to the BUFG_GT_O port of the BUFG_GT buffer, which is being driven by the IBUF_DS_ODIV2 output of IBUFDSGTE GT input clock buffer. See the following figure.
Figure 1. South Reference Clock
Note: BUFG_GT_CE port of the BUFG_GT buffer must be driven High.
Note: IBUF_DS_ODIV2 port of the IBUFDSGTE is by default configured to output divide by