The top module instantiates all components of the core and example design that are needed to implement the design in hardware, as shown in the following figure. This includes the FRM_GEN, DPHY TX IP, FRM_CHK, and the DPHY RX IP modules.
Figure 1. MIPI D-PHY Core Example Design
The FRM_GEN module generates user traffic for High-Speed mode and low-power data transmission (LPDT). This module contains a pseudo-random number generator using a linear feedback shift register (LFSR) with a specific initial value to generate a predictable sequence of data.
The FRM_CHK module verifies the integrity of the RX data. This module uses
the same LFSR and initial value as the
module to
generate the expected RX data. The received user data is compared with the locally-generated
data and an error is reported if data comparison fails. The example design can be used to
quickly get a MIPI D-PHY Controller design up and running on a
board, or perform a quick simulation of the module. When using the example design on a board,
be sure to edit the <component name>_exdes.xdc file
to supply the correct pins and clock constraints.Important: This implementation is used only for reference and as a
demonstration of the example test bench.
Implementing the AMD Versalâ„¢ Example Design:
- When the Example design is open, synthesize the ex-design.
- When synthesis is done, open the synthesized design & execute the following command in Tcl console 'xphy::generate_constraints'.
- Save the xdc and implement the design.