The transmitter user clocking network helper block provides a single interface with a source clock input port driven by a transceiver primitive-based output clock. Transmitter user clocking network helper block ports can be identified by the prefix gtwiz_userclk_tx_. For guidance on the usage of the transmitter user clocking network helper block, see Designing with the Core .
The transmitter user clocking network helper block ports described in Table: Transmitter User Clocking Network Helper Block Ports on Core (Helper Block in Core) are present on the Wizard IP core instance when it is configured to locate the transmitter user clocking network helper block in the core.
The transmitter user clocking network helper block ports described in Table: Transmitter User Clocking Network Helper Block User Interface Ports on Core (Helper Block in Example Design) are present on the core instance when it is configured to locate the transmitter user clocking network helper block in the example design.
The transmitter user clocking network helper block ports described in Table: Other Transmitter User Clocking Network Helper Block User Interface Ports (Helper Block in Example Design) are not present on the core instance but are present on the transmitter user clocking network helper block itself when it is included in the example design.