A subset of the ports described in Table: Transceiver Channel Ports is present on the wizard core instance. These ports connect through the core hierarchy to the corresponding transceiver channel primitive ports. Because only a subset is required for a given core customization, most are not exposed as ports on the core interface by default. See Customizing and Generating the Core , for details on optional port enablement.
The width of each port scales with the number of transceiver channel primitives instantiated within the core instance. The least significant bit(s) correspond to the first enabled transceiver channel primitive in increasing grid order, where the Y axis increments before X. For example, the TXDIFFCTRL port on a transceiver channel primitive is 4 bits in size. In a hypothetical Wizard IP core customization which instantiates three GTH transceiver channel primitives in physical positions GTHE3_CHANNEL_X0Y3, GTHE3_CHANNEL_X0Y10, and GTHE3_CHANNEL_X1Y0, the txdiffctrl_in port on the core instance will be sized [11:0], where:
• txdiffctrl_in[3:0] connects to the transceiver channel instance at location GTHE3_CHANNEL_X0Y3.
• txdiffctrl_in[7:4] connects to the transceiver channel instance at location GTHE3_CHANNEL_X0Y10.
• txdiffctrl_in[11:8] connects to the transceiver channel instance at location GTHE3_CHANNEL_X1Y0.
By vectoring in this manner, the user interface of the core is compact and predictable. As a convenience, the example design also provides per-primitive signals, which are assigned the relevant bit slices of the concatenated vectors. See Example Design , for more details on example design features.
This document does not provide guidance on the usage of the transceiver primitive ports. See the UltraScale Architecture GTH Transceivers User Guide (UG576) [Ref 1] or UltraScale Architecture GTY Transceivers User Guide (UG578) [Ref 2] for relevant details.
Direction |
Width |
Description |
cdrstepdir_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to CDRSTEPDIR on transceiver channel primitives (GTYE3, GTHE4, and GTYE4 only) |
cdrstepsq_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to CDRSTEPSQ on transceiver channel primitives (GTYE3, GTHE4, and GTYE4 only) |
cdrstepsx_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to CDRSTEPSX on transceiver channel primitives (GTYE3, GTHE4, and GTYE4 only) |
cfgreset_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to CFGRESET on transceiver channel primitives |
clkrsvd0_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to CLKRSVD0 on transceiver channel primitives |
clkrsvd1_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to CLKRSVD1 on transceiver channel primitives |
cpllfreqlock_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to CPLLFREQLOCK on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE4 and GTYE4 only) |
cplllockdetclk_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to CPLLLOCKDETCLK on transceiver channel primitives |
cplllocken_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to CPLLLOCKEN on transceiver channel primitives |
cpllpd_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to CPLLPD on transceiver channel primitives and for configurations that require CPLL Calibration block, this port resets the CPLL calibration logic. |
cpllrefclksel_in |
Input |
3 × Num. channels |
Connects to CPLLREFCLKSEL on transceiver channel primitives |
cpllreset_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to CPLLRESET on transceiver channel primitives |
dmonfiforeset_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to DMONFIFORESET on transceiver channel primitives |
dmonitorclk_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to DMONITORCLK on transceiver channel primitives |
drpaddr_in |
Input |
drp_addr_width x Num. Channels |
Connects to DRPADDR on transceiver channel primitives See UltraScale Architecture GTH Transceivers User Guide (UG576) [Ref 1] and UltraScale Architecture GTY Transceivers User Guide (UG578) [Ref 2] for more information on drp_addr_width. |
drpclk_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to DRPCLK on transceiver channel primitives. It is recommended to connect this port to the same stable source as gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in. |
drpdi_in |
Input |
16 × Num. channels |
Connects to DRPDI on transceiver channel primitives |
drpen_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to DRPEN on transceiver channel primitives |
drprst_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to DRPRST on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE4 and GTYE4 only) |
drpwe_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to DRPWE on transceiver channel primitives |
elpcaldvorwren_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to ELPCALDVORWREN on transceiver channel primitives (GTYE3 only) |
elpcalpaorwren_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to ELPCALPAORWREN on transceiver channel primitives (GTYE3 only) |
evoddphicaldone_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to EVODDPHICALDONE on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE3 and GTYE3 only) |
evoddphicalstart_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to EVODDPHICALSTART on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE3 and GTYE3 only) |
evoddphidrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to EVODDPHIDRDEN on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE3 and GTYE3 only) |
evoddphidwren_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to EVODDPHIDWREN on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE3 and GTYE3 only) |
evoddphixrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to EVODDPHIXRDEN on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE3 and GTYE3 only) |
evoddphixwren_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to EVODDPHIXWREN on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE3 and GTYE3 only) |
eyescanmode_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to EYESCANMODE on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE3 and GTYE3 only) |
eyescanreset_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to EYESCANRESET on transceiver channel primitives |
eyescantrigger_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to EYESCANTRIGGER on transceiver channel primitives |
freqos_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to FREQOS on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE4 and GTYE4 only) |
gtgrefclk_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to GTGREFCLK on transceiver channel primitives and the use of this port is reserved for test purposes only. |
gthrxn_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to GTHRXN on transceiver channel primitives (GTH only) |
gthrxp_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to GTHRXP on transceiver channel primitives (GTH only) |
gtnorthrefclk0_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to GTNORTHREFCLK0 on transceiver channel primitives |
gtnorthrefclk1_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to GTNORTHREFCLK1 on transceiver channel primitives |
gtrefclk0_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to GTREFCLK0 on transceiver channel primitives |
gtrefclk1_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to GTREFCLK1 on transceiver channel primitives |
gtresetsel_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to GTRESETSEL on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE3 and GTYE3 only) |
gtrsvd_in |
Input |
16 × Num. channels |
Connects to GTRSVD on transceiver channel primitives |
gtrxreset_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to GTRXRESET on transceiver channel primitives |
gtrxresetsel_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to GTRXRESETSEL on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE4 and GTYE4 only) |
gtsouthrefclk0_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to GTSOUTHREFCLK0 on transceiver channel primitives |
gtsouthrefclk1_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to GTSOUTHREFCLK1 on transceiver channel primitives |
gttxreset_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to GTTXRESET on transceiver channel primitives |
gttxresetsel_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to GTTXRESETSEL on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE4 and GTYE4 only) |
incpctrl_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to INCPCTRL on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE4 and GTYE4 only) |
gtyrxn_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to GTYRXN on transceiver channel primitives (GTY only) |
gtyrxp_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to GTYRXP on transceiver channel primitives (GTY only) |
loopback_in |
Input |
3 × Num. channels |
Connects to LOOPBACK on transceiver channel primitives |
looprsvd_in |
Input |
16 × Num. channels |
Connects to LOOPRSVD on transceiver channel primitives (GTYE3 only) |
lpbkrxtxseren_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to LPBKRXTXSEREN on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE3 and GTYE3 only) |
lpbktxrxseren_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to LPBKTXRXSEREN on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE3 and GTYE3 only) |
pcieeqrxeqadaptdone_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to PCIEEQRXEQADAPTDONE on transceiver channel primitives |
pcierstidle_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to PCIERSTIDLE on transceiver channel primitives |
pciersttxsyncstart_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to PCIERSTTXSYNCSTART on transceiver channel primitives |
pcieuserratedone_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to PCIEUSERRATEDONE on transceiver channel primitives |
pcsrsvdin_in |
Input |
16 × Num. channels |
Connects to PCSRSVDIN on transceiver channel primitives |
pcsrsvdin2_in |
Input |
5 × Num. channels |
Connects to PCSRSVDIN2 on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE3 and GTYE3 only) |
pmarsvdin_in |
Input |
5 × Num. channels |
Connects to PMARSVDIN on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE3 and GTYE3 only) |
qpll0clk_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to QPLL0CLK on transceiver channel primitives |
qpll0freqlock_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to QPLL0FREQLOCK on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE4 and GTYE4 only) |
qpll0refclk_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to QPLL0REFCLK on transceiver channel primitives |
qpll1clk_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to QPLL1CLK on transceiver channel primitives |
qpll1freqlock_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to QPLL1FREQLOCK on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE4 and GTYE4 only) |
qpll1refclk_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to QPLL1REFCLK on transceiver channel primitives |
resetovrd_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RESETOVRD on transceiver channel primitives |
rstclkentx_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RSTCLKENTX on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE3 and GTYE3 only) |
rx8b10ben_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RX8B10BEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxafecfoken_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXAFECFOKEN on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE4 and GTYE4 only) |
rxbufreset_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXBUFRESET on transceiver channel primitives |
rxcdrfreqreset_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXCDRFREQRESET on transceiver channel primitives |
rxcdrhold_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXCDRHOLD on transceiver channel primitives |
rxcdrovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXCDROVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxcdrreset_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXCDRRESET on transceiver channel primitives |
rxcdrresetrsv_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXCDRRESETRSV on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE3 and GTYE3 only) |
rxchbonden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXCHBONDEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxchbondi_in |
Input |
5 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXCHBONDI on transceiver channel primitives |
rxchbondlevel_in |
Input |
3 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXCHBONDLEVEL on transceiver channel primitives |
rxchbondmaster_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXCHBONDMASTER on transceiver channel primitives |
rxchbondslave_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXCHBONDSLAVE on transceiver channel primitives |
rxckcalreset_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXCKCALRESET on transceiver channel primitives (GTYE3, GTHE4, and GTYE4 only) |
rxckcalstart_in |
Input |
7 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXCKCALSTART on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE4 and GTYE4 only) |
rxcommadeten_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXCOMMADETEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfeagcctrl_in |
Input |
2 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFEAGCCTRL on transceiver channel primitives (GTH only) |
rxdccforcestart_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDCCFORCESTART on transceiver channel primitives (GTYE3 only) |
rxdfeagchold_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFEAGCHOLD on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfeagcovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFEAGCOVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfecfokfcnum_in |
Input |
4 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFECFOKFCNUM on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE4 and GTYE4 only) |
rxdfecfokfen_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFECFOKFEN on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE4 and GTYE4 only) |
rxdfecfokfpulse_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFECFOKFPULSE on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE4 and GTYE4 only) |
rxdfecfokhold_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFECFOKHOLD on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE4 and GTYE4 only) |
rxdfecfokovren_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFECFOKOVREN on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE4 and GTYE4 only) |
rxdfekhhold_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFEKHHOLD on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE4 and GTYE4 only) |
rxdfekhovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFEKHOVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE4 and GTYE4 only) |
rxdfelfhold_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFELFHOLD on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfelfovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFELFOVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfelpmreset_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFELPMRESET on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfetap10hold_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFETAP10HOLD on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfetap10ovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFETAP10OVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfetap11hold_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFETAP11HOLD on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfetap11ovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFETAP11OVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfetap12hold_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFETAP12HOLD on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfetap12ovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFETAP12OVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfetap13hold_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFETAP13HOLD on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfetap13ovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFETAP13OVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfetap14hold_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFETAP14HOLD on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfetap14ovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFETAP14OVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfetap15hold_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFETAP15HOLD on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfetap15ovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFETAP15OVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfetap2hold_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFETAP2HOLD on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfetap2ovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFETAP2OVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfetap3hold_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFETAP3HOLD on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfetap3ovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFETAP3OVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfetap4hold_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFETAP4HOLD on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfetap4ovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFETAP4OVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfetap5hold_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFETAP5HOLD on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfetap5ovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFETAP5OVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfetap6hold_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFETAP6HOLD on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfetap6ovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFETAP6OVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfetap7hold_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFETAP7HOLD on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfetap7ovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFETAP7OVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfetap8hold_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFETAP8HOLD on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfetap8ovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFETAP8OVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfetap9hold_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFETAP9HOLD on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfetap9ovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFETAP9OVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfeuthold_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFEUTHOLD on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfeutovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFEUTOVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfevphold_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFEVPHOLD on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfevpovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFEVPOVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdfevsen_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFEVSEN on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE3 and GTYE3 only) |
rxdfexyden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDFEXYDEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdlybypass_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDLYBYPASS on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdlyen_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDLYEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdlyovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDLYOVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdlysreset_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDLYSRESET on transceiver channel primitives |
rxelecidlemode_in |
Input |
2 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXELECIDLEMODE on transceiver channel primitives |
rxeqtraining_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXEQTRAINING on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE4 and GTYE4 only) |
rxgearboxslip_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXGEARBOXSLIP on transceiver channel primitives |
rxlatclk_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXLATCLK on transceiver channel primitives |
rxlpmen_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXLPMEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxlpmgchold_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXLPMGCHOLD on transceiver channel primitives |
rxlpmgcovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXLPMGCOVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxlpmhfhold_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXLPMHFHOLD on transceiver channel primitives |
rxlpmhfovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXLPMHFOVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxlpmlfhold_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXLPMLFHOLD on transceiver channel primitives |
rxlpmlfklovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXLPMLFKLOVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxlpmoshold_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXLPMOSHOLD on transceiver channel primitives |
rxlpmosovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXLPMOSOVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxmcommaalignen_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXMCOMMAALIGNEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxmonitorsel_in |
Input |
2 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXMONITORSEL on transceiver channel primitives |
rxoobreset_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXOOBRESET on transceiver channel primitives |
rxoscalreset_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXOSCALRESET on transceiver channel primitives |
rxoshold_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXOSHOLD on transceiver channel primitives |
rxosintcfg_in |
Input |
4 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXOSINTCFG on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE3 and GTYE3 only) |
rxosinten_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXOSINTEN on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE3 and GTYE3 only) |
rxosinthold_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXOSINTHOLD on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE3 and GTYE3 only) |
rxosintovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXOSINTOVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE3 and GTYE3 only) |
rxosintstrobe_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXOSINTSTROBE on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE3 and GTYE3 only) |
rxosinttestovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXOSINTTESTOVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE3 and GTYE3 only) |
rxosovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXOSOVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxoutclksel_in |
Input |
3 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXOUTCLKSEL on transceiver channel primitives |
rxpcommaalignen_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXPCOMMAALIGNEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxpcsreset_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXPCSRESET on transceiver channel primitives |
rxpd_in |
Input |
2 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXPD on transceiver channel primitives |
rxphalign_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXPHALIGN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxphalignen_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXPHALIGNEN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxphdlypd_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXPHDLYPD on transceiver channel primitives |
rxphdlyreset_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXPHDLYRESET on transceiver channel primitives |
rxphovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXPHOVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives (GTE3, GTHE4, and GTYE4 only) |
rxpllclksel_in |
Input |
2 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXPLLCLKSEL on transceiver channel primitives. For more information on using this port, see Enabling CPLL Calibration block for UltraScale+ Devices . |
rxpmareset_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXPMARESET on transceiver channel primitives |
rxpolarity_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXPOLARITY on transceiver channel primitives |
rxprbscntreset_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXPRBSCNTRESET on transceiver channel primitives |
rxprbssel_in |
Input |
4 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXPRBSSEL on transceiver channel primitives |
rxprogdivreset_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXPROGDIVRESET on transceiver channel primitives |
rxqpien_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXQPIEN on transceiver channel primitives (GTH only) |
rxrate_in |
Input |
3 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXRATE on transceiver channel primitives |
rxratemode_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXRATEMODE on transceiver channel primitives |
rxslide_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXSLIDE on transceiver channel primitives |
rxslipoutclk_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXSLIPOUTCLK on transceiver channel primitives |
rxslippma_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXSLIPPMA on transceiver channel primitives |
rxsyncallin_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXSYNCALLIN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxsyncin_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXSYNCIN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxsyncmode_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXSYNCMODE on transceiver channel primitives |
rxsysclksel_in |
Input |
2 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXSYSCLKSEL on transceiver channel primitives |
rxtermination_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXTERMINATION on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE4 and GTYE4 only) |
rxuserrdy_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXUSERRDY on transceiver channel primitives |
rxusrclk_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXUSRCLK on transceiver channel primitives |
rxusrclk2_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXUSRCLK2 on transceiver channel primitives |
sigvalidclk_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to SIGVALIDCLK on transceiver channel primitives |
tstin_in |
Input |
20 × Num. channels |
Connects to TSTIN on transceiver channel primitives |
tx8b10bbypass_in |
Input |
8 × Num. channels |
Connects to TX8B10BBYPASS on transceiver channel primitives |
tx8b10ben_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TX8B10BEN on transceiver channel primitives |
txbufdiffctrl_in |
Input |
3 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXBUFDIFFCTRL on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE3 and GTYE3 only) |
txcominit_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXCOMINIT on transceiver channel primitives |
txcomsas_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXCOMSAS on transceiver channel primitives |
txcomwake_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXCOMWAKE on transceiver channel primitives |
txctrl0_in |
Input |
16 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXCTRL0 on transceiver channel primitives |
txctrl1_in |
Input |
16 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXCTRL1 on transceiver channel primitives |
txctrl2_in |
Input |
8 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXCTRL2 on transceiver channel primitives |
txdata_in |
Input |
128 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXDATA on transceiver channel primitives |
txdataextendrsvd_in |
Input |
8 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXDATAEXTENDRSVD on transceiver channel primitives |
txdccforcestart_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXDCCFORCESTART on transceiver channel primitives (GTYE3, GTHE4, and GTYE4 only) |
txdccreset_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXDCCRESET on transceiver channel primitives (GTYE3, GTHE4, and GTYE4 only) |
txdeemph_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels (GTHE3 and GTYE3) 2 × Num. channels (GTHE4 and GTYE4) |
Connects to TXDEEMPH on transceiver channel primitives |
txdetectrx_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXDETECTRX on transceiver channel primitives |
txdiffctrl_in |
Input |
4 × Num. channels (GTHE3) 5 × Num. channels (GTYE3, GTHE4, and GTYE4) |
Connects to TXDIFFCTRL on transceiver channel primitives |
txdiffpd_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXDIFFPD on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE3 and GTYE3 only) |
txdlybypass_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXDLYBYPASS on transceiver channel primitives |
txdlyen_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXDLYEN on transceiver channel primitives |
txdlyhold_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXDLYHOLD on transceiver channel primitives |
txdlyovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXDLYOVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives |
txdlysreset_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXDLYSRESET on transceiver channel primitives |
txdlyupdown_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXDLYUPDOWN on transceiver channel primitives |
txelecidle_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXELECIDLE on transceiver channel primitives |
txelforcestart_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXELFORCESTART on transceiver channel primitives (GTYE3 only) |
txheader_in |
Input |
6 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXHEADER on transceiver channel primitives |
txinhibit_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXINHIBIT on transceiver channel primitives |
txlatclk_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXLATCLK on transceiver channel primitives |
txlfpstreset_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXLFPSTRESET on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE4 and GTYE4 only) |
txlfpsu2lpexit_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXLFPSU2LPEXIT on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE4 and GTYE4 only) |
txlfpsu3wake_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXLFPSU3WAKE on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE4 and GTYE4 only) |
txmaincursor_in |
Input |
7 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXMAINCURSOR on transceiver channel primitives |
txmargin_in |
Input |
3 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXMARGIN on transceiver channel primitives |
txmuxdcdexhold_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXMUXDCDEXHOLD on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE4 and GTYE4 only) |
txmuxdcdorwren_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXMUXDCDORWREN on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE4 and GTYE4 only) |
txoneszeros_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXONESZEROS on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE4 and GTYE4 only) |
txoutclksel_in |
Input |
3 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXOUTCLKSEL on transceiver channel primitives |
txpcsreset_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXPCSRESET on transceiver channel primitives |
txpd_in |
Input |
2 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXPD on transceiver channel primitives |
txpdelecidlemode_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXPDELECIDLEMODE on transceiver channel primitives |
txphalign_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXPHALIGN on transceiver channel primitives |
txphalignen_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXPHALIGNEN on transceiver channel primitives |
txphdlypd_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXPHDLYPD on transceiver channel primitives |
txphdlyreset_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXPHDLYRESET on transceiver channel primitives |
txphdlytstclk_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXPHDLYTSTCLK on transceiver channel primitives |
txphinit_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXPHINIT on transceiver channel primitives |
txphovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXPHOVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives |
txpippmen_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXPIPPMEN on transceiver channel primitives |
txpippmovrden_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXPIPPMOVRDEN on transceiver channel primitives |
txpippmpd_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXPIPPMPD on transceiver channel primitives |
txpippmsel_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXPIPPMSEL on transceiver channel primitives |
txpippmstepsize_in |
Input |
5 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXPIPPMSTEPSIZE on transceiver channel primitives |
txpisopd_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXPISOPD on transceiver channel primitives |
txpllclksel_in |
Input |
2 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXPLLCLKSEL on transceiver channel primitives and for more information on using this port, see Enabling CPLL Calibration block for UltraScale+ Devices . |
txpmareset_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXPMARESET on transceiver channel primitives |
txpolarity_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXPOLARITY on transceiver channel primitives |
txpostcursor_in |
Input |
5 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXPOSTCURSOR on transceiver channel primitives |
txpostcursorinv_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXPOSTCURSORINV on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE3 only) |
txprbsforceerr_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXPRBSFORCEERR on transceiver channel primitives |
txprbssel_in |
Input |
4 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXPRBSSEL on transceiver channel primitives |
txprecursor_in |
Input |
5 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXPRECURSOR on transceiver channel primitives |
txprecursorinv_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXPRECURSORINV on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE3 only) |
txprogdivreset_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXPROGDIVRESET on transceiver channel primitives |
txqpibiasen_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXQPIBIASEN on transceiver channel primitives (GTH only) |
txqpistrongpdown_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXQPISTRONGPDOWN on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE3 only) |
txqpiweakpup_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXQPIWEAKPUP on transceiver channel primitives (GTH only) |
txrate_in |
Input |
3 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXRATE on transceiver channel primitives |
txratemode_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXRATEMODE on transceiver channel primitives |
txsequence_in |
Input |
7 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXSEQUENCE on transceiver channel primitives |
txswing_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXSWING on transceiver channel primitives |
txsyncallin_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXSYNCALLIN on transceiver channel primitives |
txsyncin_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXSYNCIN on transceiver channel primitives |
txsyncmode_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXSYNCMODE on transceiver channel primitives |
txsysclksel_in |
Input |
2 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXSYSCLKSEL on transceiver channel primitives |
txuserrdy_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXUSERRDY on transceiver channel primitives |
txusrclk_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXUSRCLK on transceiver channel primitives |
txusrclk2_in |
Input |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXUSRCLK2 on transceiver channel primitives |
bufgtce_out |
Output |
3 × Num. channels (GTHE3 and GTYE3) 1 × Num. channels (GTHE4 and GTYE4) |
Connects to BUFGTCE on transceiver channel primitives |
bufgtcemask_out |
Output |
3 × Num. channels |
Connects to BUFGTCEMASK on transceiver channel primitives |
bufgtdiv_out |
Output |
9 × Num. channels |
Connects to BUFGTDIV on transceiver channel primitives |
bufgtreset_out |
Output |
3 × Num. channels (GTHE3 and GTYE3) 1 × Num. channels (GTHE4 and GTYE4) |
Connects to BUFGTRESET on transceiver channel primitives |
bufgtrstmask_out |
Output |
3 × Num. channels |
Connects to BUFGTRSTMASK on transceiver channel primitives |
cpllfbclklost_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to CPLLFBCLKLOST on transceiver channel primitives |
cplllock_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to CPLLLOCK on transceiver channel primitives |
cpllrefclklost_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to CPLLREFCLKLOST on transceiver channel primitives |
dmonitorout_out |
Output |
17 × Num. channels (GTHE3 and GTYE3) 16 × Num. channels (GTHE4 and GTYE4) |
Connects to DMONITOROUT on transceiver channel primitives |
dmonitoroutclk_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to DMONITOROUTCLK on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE4 and GTYE4 only) |
drpdo_out |
Output |
16 × Num. channels |
Connects to DRPDO on transceiver channel primitives |
drprdy_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to DRPRDY on transceiver channel primitives |
eyescandataerror_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to EYESCANDATAERROR on transceiver channel primitives |
gthtxn_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to GTHTXN on transceiver channel primitives (GTH only) |
gthtxp_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to GTHTXP on transceiver channel primitives (GTH only) |
gtpowergood_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to GTPOWERGOOD on transceiver channel primitives |
gtrefclkmonitor_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to GTREFCLKMONITOR on transceiver channel primitives |
gtytxn_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to GTYTXN on transceiver channel primitives (GTY only) |
gtytxp_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to GTYTXP on transceiver channel primitives (GTY only) |
pcierategen3_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to PCIERATEGEN3 on transceiver channel primitives |
pcierateidle_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to PCIERATEIDLE on transceiver channel primitives |
pcierateqpllpd_out |
Output |
2 × Num. channels |
Connects to PCIERATEQPLLPD on transceiver channel primitives |
pcierateqpllreset_out |
Output |
2 × Num. channels |
Connects to PCIERATEQPLLRESET on transceiver channel primitives |
pciesynctxsyncdone_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to PCIESYNCTXSYNCDONE on transceiver channel primitives |
pcieusergen3rdy_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to PCIEUSERGEN3RDY on transceiver channel primitives |
pcieuserphystatusrst_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to PCIEUSERPHYSTATUSRST on transceiver channel primitives |
pcieuserratestart_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to PCIEUSERRATESTART on transceiver channel primitives |
pcsrsvdout_out |
Output |
12 × Num. channels (GTHE3) 16 × Num. channels (GTYE3, GTHE4, and GTYE4)) |
Connects to PCSRSVDOUT on transceiver channel primitives |
phystatus_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to PHYSTATUS on transceiver channel primitives |
pinrsrvdas_out |
Output |
8 × Num. channels (GTHE3 and GTYE3) 16 × Num. channels (GTHE4 and GTYE4) |
Connects to PINRSRVDAS on transceiver channel primitives |
powerpresent_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to POWERPRESENT on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE4 and GTYE4 only) |
resetexception_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RESETEXCEPTION on transceiver channel primitives |
rxbufstatus_out |
Output |
3 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXBUFSTATUS on transceiver channel primitives |
rxbyteisaligned_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXBYTEISALIGNED on transceiver channel primitives |
rxbyterealign_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXBYTEREALIGN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxcdrlock_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXCDRLOCK on transceiver channel primitives |
rxcdrphdone_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXCDRPHDONE on transceiver channel primitives |
rxchanbondseq_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXCHANBONDSEQ on transceiver channel primitives |
rxchanisaligned_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXCHANISALIGNED on transceiver channel primitives |
rxchanrealign_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXCHANREALIGN on transceiver channel primitives |
rxchbondo_out |
Output |
5 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXCHBONDO on transceiver channel primitives |
rxckcaldone_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXCKCALDONE on transceiver channel primitives (GTYE3, GTHE4, and GTYE4 only) |
rxclkcorcnt_out |
Output |
2 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXCLKCORCNT on transceiver channel primitives |
rxcominitdet_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXCOMINITDET on transceiver channel primitives |
rxcommadet_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXCOMMADET on transceiver channel primitives |
rxcomsasdet_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXCOMSASDET on transceiver channel primitives |
rxcomwakedet_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXCOMWAKEDET on transceiver channel primitives |
rxctrl0_out |
Output |
16 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXCTRL0 on transceiver channel primitives |
rxctrl1_out |
Output |
16 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXCTRL1 on transceiver channel primitives |
rxctrl2_out |
Output |
8 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXCTRL2 on transceiver channel primitives |
rxctrl3_out |
Output |
8 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXCTRL3 on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdata_out |
Output |
128 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDATA on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdataextendrsvd_out |
Output |
8 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDATAEXTENDRSVD on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdatavalid_out |
Output |
2 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDATAVALID on transceiver channel primitives |
rxdlysresetdone_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXDLYSRESETDONE on transceiver channel primitives |
rxelecidle_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXELECIDLE on transceiver channel primitives |
rxheader_out |
Output |
6 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXHEADER on transceiver channel primitives |
rxheadervalid_out |
Output |
2 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXHEADERVALID on transceiver channel primitives |
rxlfpstresetdet_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXLFPSTRESETDET on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE4 and GTYE4 only) |
rxlfpsu2lpexitdet_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXLFPSU2LPEXITDET on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE4 and GTYE4 only) |
rxlfpsu3wakedet_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXLFPSU3WAKEDET on transceiver channel primitives (GTHE4 and GTYE4 only) |
rxmonitorout_out |
Output |
7 × Num. channels (GTHE3 and GTYE3 only) 8 × Num. channels (GTHE4 and GTYE4 only) |
Connects to RXMONITOROUT on transceiver channel primitives |
rxosintdone_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXOSINTDONE on transceiver channel primitives |
rxosintstarted_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXOSINTSTARTED on transceiver channel primitives |
rxosintstrobedone_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXOSINTSTROBEDONE on transceiver channel primitives |
rxosintstrobestarted_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXOSINTSTROBESTARTED on transceiver channel primitives |
rxoutclk_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXOUTCLK on transceiver channel primitives |
rxoutclkfabric_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXOUTCLKFABRIC on transceiver channel primitives |
rxoutclkpcs_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXOUTCLKPCS on transceiver channel primitives |
rxphaligndone_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXPHALIGNDONE on transceiver channel primitives |
rxphalignerr_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXPHALIGNERR on transceiver channel primitives |
rxpmaresetdone_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXPMARESETDONE on transceiver channel primitives |
rxprbserr_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXPRBSERR on transceiver channel primitives |
rxprbslocked_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXPRBSLOCKED on transceiver channel primitives |
rxprgdivresetdone_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXPRGDIVRESETDONE on transceiver channel primitives |
rxqpisenn_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXQPISENN on transceiver channel primitives (GTH only) |
rxqpisenp_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXQPISENP on transceiver channel primitives (GTH only) |
rxratedone_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXRATEDONE on transceiver channel primitives |
rxrecclkout_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXRECCLKOUT on transceiver channel primitives |
rxresetdone_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXRESETDONE on transceiver channel primitives |
rxsliderdy_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXSLIDERDY on transceiver channel primitives |
rxslipdone_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXSLIPDONE on transceiver channel primitives |
rxslipoutclkrdy_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXSLIPOUTCLKRDY on transceiver channel primitives |
rxslippmardy_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXSLIPPMARDY on transceiver channel primitives |
rxstartofseq_out |
Output |
2 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXSTARTOFSEQ on transceiver channel primitives |
rxstatus_out |
Output |
3 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXSTATUS on transceiver channel primitives |
rxsyncdone_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXSYNCDONE on transceiver channel primitives |
rxsyncout_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXSYNCOUT on transceiver channel primitives |
rxvalid_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to RXVALID on transceiver channel primitives |
txbufstatus_out |
Output |
2 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXBUFSTATUS on transceiver channel primitives |
txcomfinish_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXCOMFINISH on transceiver channel primitives |
txdccdone_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXDCCDONE on transceiver channel primitives (GTYE3, GTHE4, and GTYE4 only) |
txdlysresetdone_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXDLYSRESETDONE on transceiver channel primitives |
txoutclk_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXOUTCLK on transceiver channel primitives |
txoutclkfabric_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXOUTCLKFABRIC on transceiver channel primitives |
txoutclkpcs_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXOUTCLKPCS on transceiver channel primitives |
txphaligndone_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXPHALIGNDONE on transceiver channel primitives |
txphinitdone_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXPHINITDONE on transceiver channel primitives |
txpmaresetdone_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXPMARESETDONE on transceiver channel primitives |
txprgdivresetdone_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXPRGDIVRESETDONE on transceiver channel primitives |
txqpisenn_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXQPISENN on transceiver channel primitives (GTH only) |
txqpisenp_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXQPISENP on transceiver channel primitives (GTH only) |
txratedone_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXRATEDONE on transceiver channel primitives |
txresetdone_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXRESETDONE on transceiver channel primitives |
txsyncdone_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXSYNCDONE on transceiver channel primitives |
txsyncout_out |
Output |
1 × Num. channels |
Connects to TXSYNCOUT on transceiver channel primitives |