The transmitter and receiver reset state machines each have two entry points: one which causes the associated PLL(s) to be reset, followed by a reset of the datapath, and a second in which only the datapath is reset. This Figure illustrates the three reset controller helper block finite state machines and the reset sequences they control.
The transmitter reset state machine initiates a PLL reset followed by a transmitter datapath reset when the
input is pulsed. All PLLs (either QPLL or CPLL type) instantiated by the core instance that are used to clock the transmitter datapath are reset in response to this input. After all these PLLs lock, the transmitter programmable dividers and datapaths of all transceiver primitives are reset. If a PLL reset is not needed, a transmitter datapath-only reset is initiated when the
input is pulsed. Regardless of the reset entry point, the
indicator is asserted synchronous to the transmitter master channel
upon completion of the transmitter reset sequence for all transceiver primitives.
Likewise, the receiver reset state machine initiates a PLL reset followed by a receiver datapath reset when the
input is pulsed. All PLLs (either QPLL or CPLL type) instantiated by the core instance that are used to clock the receiver datapath are reset in response to this input. When all these PLLs lock, the receiver datapaths of all transceiver primitives are reset. If a PLL reset is not needed, a receiver datapath-only reset is initiated when the
input is pulsed. Regardless of the reset entry point, the
indicator is asserted synchronous to receiver master channel
upon completion of the receiver reset sequence for all transceiver primitives.
The independent transmitter and receiver reset state machines are simple and useful. However, because PLLs can be shared between transmitter and receiver datapaths, it is important to understand the potential system impacts when using the
inputs. For example, if both transmitter and receiver datapaths are clocked by QPLL0 resources, the assertion of either of those two inputs would reset the shared QPLL0 of each transceiver Quad, causing potentially-unintended link loss in the other data direction. Use these inputs with caution, especially if PLL resources are shared with other core instances.
The reset all state machine can be used to avoid just such redundant PLL reset sequences. In addition, it resets the transmitter data direction before the receiver data direction (which can improve data integrity in loopback or some other circumstances) and is triggered by a simple one-input interface. The reset all state machine does not sequence transceiver primitive reset signals itself. Rather, it controls the transmitter and receiver reset state machines appropriately for your core customization—effectively controlling some sequence of
, and
assertions. See
This Figure
to visualize the specific effects of the reset all state machine for your core customization, noting that the reset all state machine is initialized by the falling edge of the synchronized