Advanced serial transceiver receiver settings are customized by options in the collapsible portion of the receiver frame. Click the title to expand the section.
• Insertion loss at Nyquist (dB). Specify the insertion loss of the channel between the transmitter and receiver at the Nyquist frequency in dB.
• Equalization mode. Select between decision feedback equalization (DFE) mode and low-power mode (LPM) for the receiver equalization. When the Auto option is selected, the mode is set automatically based on the channel insertion loss, where a value greater than 14 dB causes DFE to be used, otherwise LPM is used. Refer to the UltraScale Architecture GTH Transceivers User Guide (UG576) [Ref 1] or the UltraScale Architecture GTY Transceivers User Guide (UG578) [Ref 2] for further guidance.
• Link coupling. Options are AC and DC. Select AC if external AC coupling is enabled in the application, and DC otherwise.
• Termination. Select the receiver termination voltage. Your choice of termination should depend on the protocol and its link coupling.
• Programmable termination voltage (mV). When termination is set to programmable, select the termination voltage in mV.
• PPM offset between receiver and transmitter. Specify the offset between received data and transmitter data in PPM. For example, if your protocol specifies ±100 ppm, you would enter 200 in this field. This offset affects the receiver CDR settings.
• Spread spectrum clocking. Specify the spread spectrum clocking (SSC) modulation in PPM. SSC affects the receiver CDR settings.
• Enable Out of Band signaling (OOB)/Electrical Idle. Select this option to enable Out of Band (OOB) signaling/Electrical Idle. Availability is subject to the supported receiver line rate, data decoding, reference clock frequency, termination, programmable termination value, and link coupling selections.