Port Descriptions - 1.7 English

UltraScale FPGAs Transceivers Wizard LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG182)

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Release Date
1.7 English

The wizard enables access to underlying transceiver primitive ports as needed, as well as providing a user interface to enable the helper blocks that are included within the core instance. As such, the wizard user interface can vary significantly between different customizations.

To provide a compact interface, only those transceiver primitive ports that are likely needed for the selected customization are exposed as Wizard IP core-level ports. Additional user-required ports can be individually enabled during IP customization using a flexible optional port enablement interface. See Customizing and Generating the Core , for details on optional port enablement.

The presence and location of helper blocks also affect the core user interface. When a helper block is enabled and located within the core, a simple user interface is available at the core boundary instead of at the transceiver primitive ports to which it connects. When the helper block is located within the example design, the more complex transceiver primitive ports it connects to are necessarily enabled at the core boundary. This Figure illustrates how helper block location affects core port enablement.

Figure: Effect of Port Helper Block Location on Port Enablement

Page-1 Sheet.1 Wizard Example Design or User Design Wizard Example Design or User Design Sheet.2 Sheet.3 Transceiver Primitive Wrapper TransceiverPrimitiveWrapper Sheet.4 Sheet.5 Sheet.6 Sheet.7 Sheet.8 Sheet.9 Sheet.10 Transceiver Primitive TransceiverPrimitive Sheet.11 Sheet.12 Sheet.13 Sheet.14 Sheet.15 Sheet.16 Sheet.17 Helper Block In IP Core Helper BlockIn IP Core Sheet.18 Helper Block In Example Design Helper BlockIn ExampleDesign Sheet.19 Sheet.20 Sheet.21 Wizard IP Core Wizard IP Core Sheet.22 Helper Block User Interface vs. Transceiver Primitive Port In... Helper BlockUser Interfacevs.Transceiver PrimitivePort Interface Sheet.23 X14539 X14539 Standard Arrow.483 Standard Arrow.2 Standard Arrow.12 Standard Arrow.14 Standard Arrow.13 Standard Arrow.15 Standard Arrow.16 Standard Arrow.17 Standard Arrow.18 Standard Arrow.19 Standard Arrow.20 Standard Arrow.21 Standard Arrow.22 Standard Arrow.23 Standard Arrow.24 Standard Arrow.25 Sheet.40 Sheet.41