Buffer Control Section - 1.7 English - PG182

UltraScale FPGAs Transceivers Wizard LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG182)

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1.7 English

Various customization options relating to transmitter and receiver elastic buffer control and behaviors are presented in this collapsible section. Click the title to expand the section.

Receiver elastic buffer bypass mode . When the receiver elastic buffer is bypassed and two or more transceiver channels are enabled, specify whether multi-lane buffer bypass mode or single-lane buffer bypass mode is used. When multi-lane mode is selected, the designated receiver master channel acts as the buffer bypass master lane and clock source for the one receiver user clocking network helper block instance that provides user clocks to the master and all slave lanes. When single-lane mode is selected, each transceiver channel receiver elastic buffer is bypassed individually, resulting in an instance of the receiver buffer bypass controller helper block and an instance of the receiver user clocking network helper block for each transceiver channel. The default is multi-lane mode.

Reset receiver elastic buffer on channel bonding change . Specify whether the receiver elastic buffer is reset on change to RXCHANBONDMASTER , RXCHANBONDSLAVE , or RXCHANBONDLEVEL . When the receiver elastic buffer is used, options are Enable or Disable.

Reset receiver elastic buffer on comma alignment . Specify whether the receiver elastic buffer is reset on comma alignment. When the receiver elastic buffer is used, options are Enable or Disable.

Reset receiver elastic buffer on rate change . Specify whether the receiver elastic buffer is reset on rate change. When the receiver elastic buffer is used, options are Enable or Disable.

Reset transmitter buffer on rate change . Specify whether the transmitter buffer is reset on rate change. When the transmitter buffer is used, options are Enable or Disable.