Send DATA Packet - 7.2 English

FIR Compiler (PG149)

Document ID
Release Date
7.2 English



xip_fir_v7_2* model,

const xip_array_real* data




const xip_array_real* data,

void* model,

void* dummy


This function sends a new data packet, pointed to by data , to the model for processing.

The second version of the function, xip_fir_v7_2_data_send_handler , is supplied to be used as a ( *xip_array_real_handler ) call back function, see Set Data Handler for further details.

Input data is provided using the xip_array_real structure pointed to by data and is expected to be sized:
Number of paths x Number of interleaved channels x number of input vectors .

Figure 5-1: Input and Output Data Packet Structure

X-Ref Target - Figure 5-1


The 3-D structure shown in This Figure is translated to the 1-D array of the xip_array_<type> data element in the order; Paths, Channels, Vectors. The helper functions, xip_array_<type>_set_chan ( Set Channel ) and xip_array_<type>_get_chan ( Get Channel ) implement this translation.

The Advanced Channel implementation requires redundant channel positions to be remapped to higher rate channels. The helper functions, xip_array_<type>_set_chan ( Set Channel ) and xip_array_<type>_get_chan ( Get Channel ), simplify referencing each channel by presenting a flat index for each channel.

This Figure shows the remapping for three different pattern sequences:

P4_4 (4 channels x 1/4fs);

P4_3 (1 channel x 1/2fs and 2 channels x 1/4fs);

P4_2 (1 channel x 3/4fs and 1 channel x 1/4fs).

Figure 5-2: Advanced Channel Pattern Data Packet Remapping

X-Ref Target - Figure 5-2
