The C model uses MPIR libraries. Pre-compiled MPIR libraries are provided with the C model, using the following versions of the libraries:
• MPIR 2.6.0
Because MPIR is a compatible alternative to GMP, the GMP library can be used in place of MPIR. It is possible to use GMP or MPIR libraries from other sources, for example, compiled from source code.
GMP and MPIR in particular contain many low level optimizations for specific processors. The libraries provided are compiled for a generic processor on each platform, not using optimized processor-specific code. These libraries work on any processor, but run more slowly than libraries compiled to use optimized processor-specific code. For the fastest performance, compile libraries from source on the machine on which you run the executables.
Source code and compilation scripts are provided for the version of MPIR that were used to compile the provided libraries. Source code and compilation scripts for any version of the libraries can be obtained from the GMP [Ref 15] and MPIR [Ref 14] web sites.
Note: If compiling MPIR using its configure script (for example, on Linux platforms), use the --enable-gmpcompat option when running the configure script. This generates a library and a gmp.h header file that provide full compatibility with the GMP library.