Streaming Mode Register Map - 3.0 English - PG125

AXI Traffic Generator LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG125)

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3.0 English

The following table is available only in AXI4-Stream mode. For any other mode, these registers are not accessible.

Table 1. Streaming Mode Register Map
Offset Register Name Description
0x30 Streaming Control Provides the current version of the AXI4-Stream interface and to enable/disable the core operation.
0x34 Streaming Config Allows you to configure the streaming master interface (M_AXIS_MASTER) for different traffic parameters.
0x38 Transfer Length Allows you to configure the length of packets and transaction count.
0x3C Transfer Count Reports the number of transactions (tlast count) generated/monitored.
0x40 User STRB/TKEEP Set 1 to 4 Allows you to configure TSTRB/TKEEP value for the last beat of the transfer.
0x44 Allows you to configure TSTRB/TKEEP value for the last beat of the transfer.
0x48 Allows you to configure TSTRB/TKEEP value for the last beat of the transfer.
0x4C Allows you to configure TSTRB/TKEEP value for the last beat of the transfer.
0x50 Extended Transfer Length Extended support to Packet Length
0x70 Streaming Error Status Register Allows you to monitor the error occurrence.
0x74 Streaming Error Enable Register Allows you to control the error status.
0x78 Streaming Error Interrupt Enable Register Allows you to control the Error Out (ERR_OUT) interrupt.
0x7C Streaming Error Count Register Allows you to monitor the number of errors occurred.