Master RAM - 3.0 English - PG125

AXI Traffic Generator LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG125)

Document ID
Release Date
3.0 English

The MSTRAM has 8 KB of internal RAM used for the following:

  • Take data from this RAM for write transactions
  • Store data to this RAM for read transaction

The RAM address to use for a read/write transaction is controlled through command RAM programming.

Note: For AXI Fixed Burst, the data is written or read from the same MSTRAM location as mentioned in command word.

The Master RAM A and B channels are shown connected in the following figure.

Figure 1. Master RAM Channels
Page-1 Sheet.3 Master RAM Master RAM Sheet.4 CH A: Write (Master Read Module) CH A: Write (Master Read Module) Sheet.5 CH A: Read (Slave Read Module) CH A: Read (Slave Read Module) Sheet.6 CH B: Read (Master Write Block) CH B: Read (Master Write Block) Sheet.7 CH B: Write (Slave Write Block) CH B: Write (Slave Write Block) Sheet.8 Sheet.9 Sheet.10 Sheet.11

MSTRAM Index defines where to take data from MSTRAM (in case of write) and where to store the data (in case of read) in Advanced/Basic mode of operation. The following table shows details for the write data.

Table 1. Write
Address Data MSTRAM Entry Number (Index Entered in CMDRAM Programming)
0xC000 0x11111111 0
0xC004 0x22222222
0xC008 0x33333333 1
0xC00C 0x44444444
0xC010 0xABCD1234 2
0xC014 0xFAAB1234

In the case of Read, the Index definition changes based on the data width of the AXI4 Master interface. The following table shows details for data widths ≤ 64.

Table 2. Read
Address Data MSTRAM Entry Number (Index Entered in CMDRAM Programming)
0xC000 0x11111111 0
0xC004 0x22222222
0xC008 0x33333333 1
0xC00C 0x44444444
0xC010 0xABCD1234 2
0xC014 0xFAAB1234

For data width > 64, rdata is stored at the 128/256/512 aligned locations (mstram_index should be set in the same manner).

AXI data width = 128-bit (mstram_index valid values = 0x0, 0x10, 0x20, 0x30, 0x40 ,…)


mstram_index = 0x10

First Incoming data beat (lsb2msb) = 0xAABBCCDD_00112233_44556677_88888888

Second Incoming data beat (lsb2msb) = 0xFFEEDDCC_55555555_44556677_88888888

Table 3. Master RAM
Address Data
0x0 000000000
0x 000000000
0x 000000000
0x 000000000
0x 00112233
0x 000000000
0x 000000000
0x 55555555
0x 000000000
0x 000000000
0x30 :
0x :
0x 000000000

AXI data width = 256-bit (mstram_index valid values = 0x0, 0x20, 0x40 …)


mstram_index = 0x20

First Incoming data beat (lsb2msb) = 0xAABBCCDD_00112233_44556677_88888888_55665566_22113344_AAAAAAAA_FFFFFFFF

Second Incoming data beat (lsb2msb) = 0xFFEEDDCC_55555555_44556677_88888888_55665566_22113344_AAAAAAAA_FFFFFFFF

Table 4. Master RAM
Address Data
0x0 000000000
0x 000000000
0x 000000000
0x 000000000
0x 000000000
0x 000000000
0x 000000000
0x 000000000
0x 00112233
0x 000000000
0x 000000000
0x 000000000
0x 000000000
0x 000000000
0x 000000000
0x 55555555
0x 000000000
0x 000000000
0x 000000000
0x 000000000
0x 000000000
0x 000000000
0x60 :
0x :