Applications - 3.0 English - PG125

AXI Traffic Generator LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG125)

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Release Date
3.0 English

The AXI Traffic Generator can be connected to an AXI-based system to stress the modules connected to the interconnect.

The following figure shows the AXI Traffic Generator connected to a MicroBlaze™ processor. The MicroBlaze programs the AXI Traffic Generator and the AXI Traffic Generator creates traffic to other cores.

Figure 1. MicroBlaze System
Page-1 Box Core #1 Core #1 Box.18 Core #2 Core #2 Box.21 Core #3 Core #3 Box.25 AXI Traffic Generator AXI Traffic Generator Box.29 AXI4 Interconnect AXI4 Interconnect Arrow LG Double Arrow LG Double.37 Arrow LG Double.41 Arrow LG Double.45 Box.49 Core #4 Core #4 Box.53 AXI Traffic Generator AXI Traffic Generator Box.57 Core #5 Core #5 Box.58 AXI Traffic Generator AXI Traffic Generator Arrow LG Double.59 Arrow LG Double.60 Arrow LG Double.61 Arrow LG Double.62 Box.63 MicroBlaze MicroBlaze Arrow LG Double.64

The following figure shows the AXI Traffic Generator connected to an AMD Zynq™ 7000 platform, The AXI Traffic Generator can be programmed from Arm® to the AXI peripherals.

Figure 2. Zynq-7000 SoC System
Page-1 Box AXI4 Interconnect AXI4 Interconnect Box.22 AXI4 Interconnect AXI4 Interconnect Box.26 AXI4 Interconnect AXI4 Interconnect Box.30 AXI4 Interconnect AXI4 Interconnect Box.34 AXI Traffic Generator AXI Traffic Generator Box.46 GP_M# × 2 General Purpose 32-bit AXI4 Master GP_M# × 2General Purpose 32-bit AXI4 Master Box.49 GP_S# × 2 General Purpose 32-bit AXI4 Master GP_S# × 2General Purpose 32-bit AXI4 Master Box.52 ACP AXI4 Coherent 64-bit Slave ACPAXI4 Coherent64-bit Slave Box.55 HP# × 4 AXI4 Data 32/64-bit Slave HP# × 4AXI4 Data32/64-bit Slave Box.7 Other PS Modules Other PS Modules Box.9 Box.11 Arrow LG Double Arrow LG Double.45 Arrow LG Double.58 Arrow LG Double.61 Arrow LG Double.64 Arrow LG Double.67 Arrow LG Double.70 Arrow LG Double.75 Arrow LG Double.78 Arrow LG Double.81 Arrow LG Double.84 Arrow LG Double.87 Arrow LG Double.90 Dynamic connector Dynamic connector.94 Dynamic connector.95 Text 8pt PS PS Text 8pt.97 PL PL