AXI4-Stream Protocol - 3.0 English

AXI Traffic Generator LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG125)

Document ID
Release Date
3.0 English

Streaming mode allows you to generate AXI4-Stream traffic on master interface. It also provides streaming loopback channel.

Support Sparse Strobe Keep
Allows generation of sparse strobe and keeps on the last data beat of the streaming transaction, by picking values from the ‘User STRB/TKEEP set 1 to 4’ register space.
Channel Type
Streaming mode selection. Allowed values are master only, master loopback, and slave loopback.
Data Generator Seed
Controls the random data being generated on the TDATA channel in master only and master loopback modes. This parameter can take any four-digit Hex value except 0xFFFF. If a value of FFFF is set, Data remains constant on the channel.
Selects the desired streaming data width 8 to 1,024 in multiples of 8 (for example, 8, 16, 32, and so on). In IP integrator when the mode is selected in slave loopback, it is auto-computed based on the master interface.
Width of streaming user signals. In IP integrator when the mode is selected in slave loopback, it is auto-computed based on the master interface.
TID Width
Data stream identifier width. In IP integrator when the mode is selected in slave loopback, it is auto-computed based on the connected master interface.
Data stream routing information identifier width. In IP integrator when the mode is selected in slave loopback, it is auto-computed based on the connected master interface.
Burst Count Width
Number of bits used while generating random length value when the core is register configured to generate random length.

For example with a width of 4-bit, maximum transaction length generated in 16.