Xilinx provides technical support in the Xilinx Support web page for this LogiCORE™ IP product when used as described in the product documentation. Xilinx cannot guarantee timing, functionality, or support if you do any of the following:
• Implement the solution in devices that are not defined in the documentation.
• Customize the solution beyond that allowed in the product documentation.
• Change any section of the design labeled DO NOT MODIFY.
Xilinx provides premier technical support for customers encountering issues that require additional assistance.
To contact Xilinx Technical Support, navigate to the Xilinx Support web page .
1. Open a WebCase by selecting the WebCase link located under Support Quick Links.
• A block diagram of the video system that explains the video source, destination and IP (custom and Xilinx) used.
Note: Access to WebCase is not available in all cases. Please login to the WebCase tool to see your specific support options.