Resource Utilization - 1.1 English

AXI Memory Mapped to Stream Mapper LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG102)

Document ID
Release Date
1.1 English

R e so u r c e s r e qui r e d fo r th e axi4_mm2s_mapper co r e ha v e bee n e s tima t e d fo r t h e Kintex ® -7 XC7K325T-FFG900-1 F P G A ( Table: Kintex-7 XC7K325T-FFG900-1 FPGA Resource Estimates ) . Th e s e v a lue s w e r e g e ner ate d u s in g the
Vivado® IP Catalog. Th e y a r e d e rive d f r o m po s t -implementation r epo r t s , and may deviate slightly under different circumstances.

Table 2-2: Kintex-7 XC7K325T-FFG900-1 FPGA Resource Estimates

Fe a tu r e

L U T s

F Fs

B l o c k RAMs


Widths (bits):

ADDR = 24

DATA = 128

ID = 4

TDATA = 64