Overview of Features - 3.0 English

AXI4-Stream Infrastructure IP Suite (PG085)

Document ID
Release Date
3.0 English

The AXI4-Stream Infrastructure IP Suite consists of eight modular IP cores supporting the full AXI4-Stream specification. Common features include:

AXI4-Stream compliant

Supports all AXI4-Stream defined signals: TVALID , TREADY , TDATA , TSTRB , TKEEP , TLAST , TID , TDEST , and TUSER .

TDATA , TSTRB , TKEEP , TLAST , TID , TDEST , and TUSER are optional.

Programmable TDATA , TID , TDEST , and TUSER widths ( TSTRB and TKEEP width is TDATA width/8).

ACLK / ARESETn ports.

Per port ACLKEN inputs (optional).