Either a framing or a streaming user data interface can generate the Aurora 64B/66B core. Data port width depends on the number of lanes selected. The following table lists simplex/duplex port descriptions for the AXI4-Stream TX data ports.
Name | Direction | Clock Domain | Description |
s_axi_tx_tdata[0:(64n –1)] or s_axi_tx_tdata[(64 n –1):0](1)(2) | Input | user_clk | Outgoing data (ascending bit order). |
s_axi_tx_tready(2) | Output | user_clk | Asserted when signals from the source are accepted. Deasserted when signals from the source are ignored. |
s_axi_tx_tvalid(2) | Input | user_clk | Asserted when AXI4-Stream signals from the source are valid. Deasserted when AXI4-Stream control signals and/or data from the source should be ignored. |
s_axi_tx_tlast(2) | Input | user_clk |
Indicates the end of the frame. This port is not available if the Streaming interface option is chosen. |
s_axi_tx_tkeep[0:(8 n –1)] or s_axi_tx_tkeep[(8 n –1):0](1)(2) | Input | user_clk |
Specifies the number of valid bytes in the last data beat (number of valid bytes = number of 1s in tkeep). s_axi_tx_tkeep is sampled only when s_axi_tx_tlast is asserted. The core supports continuous aligned and continuous unaligned data streams and expects data to be filled continuously from LSB to MSB. There cannot be invalid bytes interleaved with the valid s_axi_tx_tdata bus. This port is not available if the Streaming interface option is chosen. |
m_axi_rx_tdata[0:(64 n –1)] or m_axi_rx_tdata[(64 n –1):0](1) (3) | Output | user_clk | Incoming data from channel partner (ascending bit order). |
m_axi_rx_tvalid(3) | Output | user_clk | Asserted when data from the core is valid. Deasserted when data from the core should be ignored. |
m_axi_rx_tlast(3) | Output | user_clk |
Indicates the end of the incoming frame. This port is not available if the Streaming interface option is chosen. |
m_axi_rx_tkeep[0:(8n –1)] or m_axi_rx_tkeep[(8n –1):0](1) (3) | Output | user_clk |
Specifies the number of valid bytes in the last data beat. This port is not available if the Streaming interface option is chosen. |