The status and control ports of the Aurora 64B/66B core allow user applications to monitor the channel and use built-in features of the GTX, GTH, and GTY transceivers. This section provides diagrams and port descriptions for the status and control interface, and the transceiver serial I/O interfaces.
The following table describes the function of the Aurora 64B/66B core status and control ports allowing user applications to monitor the Aurora 64B/66B channel, and access built-in features of the serial transceiver interface. The DRP interface allows reading and updating of the serial transceiver parameters and settings through the AXI4-Lite protocol-compliant or native dynamic reconfiguration port (DRP) interfaces.
Name | Direction | Clock Domain | Description |
reset_pb/ tx_reset_pb/ rx_reset_pb |
Input | async |
Push Button Reset. The top-level reset input at the example design level. Required to drive the Support Reset logic inside the core.
gt_reset_out | Output | init_clk | Output of de-bouncer for gt_reset. Enabled when Include Shared Logic in Core is selected. |
sys_reset_out/ tx_sys_reset_out/ rx_sys_reset_out |
Output | user_clk |
System reset output to be used by the example design level logic.
reset2fg | Output | user_clk | This port is used to reset the Frame generator in the example design only. This port is available in the TX-only_Simplex and TX/RX_Simplex configurations only. |
reset2fc | Output | user_clk | This port is used to reset the Frame checker in the example design only. This port is available in the RX-only_Simplex and TX/RX_Simplex configurations only. |
link_reset_out | Output | init_clk | Driven High if hot-plug count expires. |
pma_init | Input | async |
The transceiver pma_init reset signal is connected to the top level through a debouncer. Systematically resets all Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS) and Physical Medium Attachment (PMA) subcomponents of the transceiver. The signal is debounced using init_clk_in for at least six init_clk cycles. See the Reset section in the related transceiver user guide for more details. |
rxp[0: m –1](1) | Input | RX serial clk |
Positive differential serial data input pin. This input is not available in the TX-only_simplex configuration. |
rxn[0: m –1](1) | Input | RX serial clk |
Negative differential serial data input pin. This input is not available in the TX-only_simplex configuration. |
txp[0: m –1](1) | Output |
TX serial clk |
Positive differential serial data output pin. This output is not available in the RX-only_simplex configuration. |
txn[0:m –1](1) | Output |
TX serial clk |
Negative differential serial data output pin. This output is not available in the RX-only_simplex configuration. |
channel_up/ tx_channel_up/ rx_channel_up |
Output | user_clk |
Asserted when the Aurora 64B/66B channel initialization is complete and the channel is ready to send/receive data.
lane_up[0: m –1]/ tx_lane_up[0: m –1]/ rx_lane_up[0: m –1] |
Output | user_clk |
Asserted for each lane upon successful lane initialization with each bit representing one lane. The Aurora 64B/66B core can only receive data after all lane_up signals are asserted.
soft_err/ tx_soft_err/ rx_soft_err |
Output | user_clk |
Indicates that a soft error is detected in the incoming serial stream (asserted for a single user_clk period).
hard_err/ tx_hard_err/ rx_hard_err |
Output | user_clk |
Hard error detected (asserted until the core resets).
gt_to_common_qpllreset_out | Output | async | Quad phase-locked loop (QPLL) common reset output used by the slave partner shared logic. |
gt_pll_lock | Output | init_clk | Asserted when tx_out_clk is stable. When deasserted (Low), circuits using tx_out_clk should be held in reset. |
loopback[2:0] | Input | async | See the 7 series FPGAs GTX/GTH Transceivers User Guide (UG476) or UltraScale Architecture GTH Transceivers User Guide (UG576) or UltraScale Architecture GTY Transceivers User Guide (UG578) for details about loopback. |
gt_rxcdrovrden_in | Input | async | See the 7 series FPGAs GTX/GTH Transceivers User Guide (UG476) or UltraScale Architecture GTH Transceivers User Guide (UG576) or UltraScale Architecture GTY Transceivers User Guide (UG578) when applicable for details about gt_rxcdrovrden_in. |
power_down | Input | init_clk | Drives the Aurora 64B/66B core to reset. |
gt_qplllock_quad< quad_no >_in, gt_qpllrefclklost_quad< quad_no >_in (3) |
Input | init_clk | QPLL lock and reference clock lost signal slave partner inputs. Should be connected to the master partner shared logic output ports gt_qplllock_quad< quad_no >_out and gt_qpllrefclklost_quad< quad_no >_out, respectively. |
gt_qplllock_quad< quad_no >_out, gt_qpllrefclklost_quad< quad_no >_out (3) |
Output | init_clk | QPLL lock and reference clock lost signal master partner shared logic outputs. |
CHANNEL_DRP_IF(6)(17)(18) | |||
drp_clk_in | Input | - | A user-configurable parameter only applicable to 7 series FPGA designs. The default value is 100 MHz. The drp_clk frequency can be set from 50 MHz to x MHz where x is device and speed grade dependent. In UltraScale devices, init_clk is connected to the DRPCLK port of the GTHE3_, GTHE4_, GTYE3_, GTYE4_CHANNEL DRP interfaces and in the axi_to_drp sub module. |
drpaddr_in/ gt< lane >_drpaddr (8)(14) |
Input | drp_clk_in | DRP address bus. The drpaddress bus is available on a per lane basis. |
drpdi_in/ gt< lane >_drpdi (8)(14) |
Input | drp_clk_in | Data bus for reading configuration data from the transceiver to the FPGA logic resources.The DRP data input bus is available on a per lane basis. |
drpen_in_lane_< lane >/ gt< lane >_drpen (8)(14) |
Input | drp_clk_in |
DRP enable signal. 0 : No read or write operation performed. 1 : Enables a read or write operation. For write operations, drpwe and drpen should be driven High concurrently for one drp_clk_in cycle only. For read operations, drpen should be driven High for one drp_clk_in cycle. The DRP enable is available on a per lane basis. |
drpwe_in_lane_< lane >/ gt< lane >_drpwe (8)(14) |
Input | drp_clk_in |
DRP write enable. 0 : Read operation when drpen is 1. 1 : Write operation when drpen is 1. For write operations, drpwe and drpen should be driven High for one drpclk cycle only. The DRP write enable is available on a per lane basis. |
drpdo_out_lane_<lane >/ gt< lane >_drpdo (8)(14) |
Output | drp_clk_in | Data bus for reading configuration data from the GTX, GTH, or GTY transceiver to the FPGA logic resources. The DRP data out bus is available on a per lane basis. |
drprdy_out_lane_< lane >/ gt< lane >_drprdy (8)(14) |
Output | drp_clk_in | Indicates that the write operation is complete and read data is valid. The drprdy signal is available on a per lane basis. |
s_axi_awaddr_lane_< lane_no >(2)(9) | Input | drp_clk_in | AXI4-Lite Write address for DRP. |
s_axi_awvalid_lane_< lane_no >(2)(9) | Input | drp_clk_in | Write address valid. |
s_axi_awready_lane_< lane_no >(2)(9) | Output | drp_clk_in | Write address ready. |
s_axi_araddr_lane_< lane_no >(2)(9) | Input | drp_clk_in | AXI4-Lite Read address for DRP. |
s_axi_arvalid_lane_< lane_no >(2)(9) | Input | drp_clk_in | Read address valid. |
s_axi_arready_lane_< lane_no >(2)(9) | Output | drp_clk_in | Read address ready. |
s_axi_wdata_lane_< lane_no >(2)(9) | Input | drp_clk_in | Write data for DRP. |
s_axi_wvalid_lane_< lane_no >(2)(9) | Input | drp_clk_in | Write data valid. |
s_axi_wready_lane_< lane_no >(2)(9) | Output | drp_clk_in | Write data ready. |
s_axi_wstrb_lane_< lane_no >(2)(9) | Input | drp_clk_in | Write data strobe. |
s_axi_bvalid_lane_< lane_no >(2)(9) | Output | drp_clk_in | Write response valid. |
s_axi_bresp_lane_< lane_no >(2)(9) | Output | drp_clk_in | Write response. |
s_axi_rdata_lane_< lane_no >(2)(9) | Output | drp_clk_in | Read data. |
s_axi_rvalid_lane_< lane_no >(2)(9) | Output | drp_clk_in | Read data valid. |
s_axi_rresp_lane_< lane_no >(2)(9) | Output | drp_clk_in | Read response. |
s_axi_rready_lane_< lane_no >(2)(9) | Output | drp_clk_in | Read data ready. |
s_axi_bready_lane_< lane_no >(2)(9) | Input | drp_clk_in | Write data ready. |
gt< lane >_cplllock_out/gt_cplllock (4)(5)(10)(14) |
Output | init_clk | Active-High PLL frequency lock signal indicating that PLL frequency is within the predetermined tolerance. The transceiver and its clock outputs are not reliable until this condition is met. |
gt< lane >_dmonitorout_out[ j :0]/gt_dmonitorout (4)(5)(10)(12)(14) |
Output | async |
Digital Monitor Output Bus. j = 7 for GTHE2 transceivers. j = 14 for GTHE2 transceivers. j= 17 for UltraScale GTH and GTY transceivers j=16 for UltraScale+ GTH and GTY transceivers |
gt< lane >_eyescandataerror_out/gt_eyescandataerror (4)(5)(10)(12)(14) |
Output | async | Asserted High for one rec_clk cycle when an (unmasked) error occurs while in the COUNT or ARMED state. |
gt< lane >_eyescanreset_in/gt_eyescanreset (4)(5)(10)(12)(14) |
Input | async | Driven High, then deasserted to start the EYESCAN reset process. |
gt< lane >_eyescantrigger_in/gt_eyescantrigger (4)(5)(10)(12)(14) |
Input | user_clk | Causes a trigger event. |
gt_pcsrsvdin(4)(10)()(13)(14) | Input | async | PCSRSVDIN[2] is the DRP reset pin. For read-only registers, if a DRPRDY is not seen within 500 DRPCLK cycles after initiating a DRP transaction, reset the DRP interface using the port PCSRSVDIN[2]. This is available only in UltraScale device-based designs. |
gt< lane >_rxbufreset_in/gt_rxbufreset (4)(5)(10)(12)(14) |
Input | async | Driven High, then deasserted to start the RX elastic buffer reset process. In either single or sequential mode, activating rxbufreset resets the RX elastic buffer only. |
gt< lane >_rxbufstatus_out/gt_rxbufstatus (4)(5)(10)(12)(14) |
Output | rxoutclk |
RX buffer status. 000b : Nominal condition. 001b : Number of bytes in the buffer is less than CLK_COR_MIN_LAT.010b : Number of bytes in the buffer is greater than CLK_COR_MAX_LAT. 101b : RX elastic buffer underflow. 110b : RX elastic buffer overflow. |
gt<lane >_rxcdrhold_in/gt_rxcdrhold (4)(5)(10)(12)(14) |
Input | async | Holds the clock data recovery (CDR) control loop frozen. |
gt< lane >_rxdfeagchold_in (5)(10)(12)(13)(14) |
Input | rxoutclk |
HOLD RX DFE (Decision Feedback Equalizer) 2'b00 : Automatic gain control (AGC) loop adapt. 2'b10 : Freeze current AGC adapt value. 2'bx1 : Override AGC value according to the attribute. RX_DFE_GAIN_CFG |
gt< lane >_rxdfeagcovrden_in (5)(10)(12)(13)(14) |
Input | rxoutclk |
OVRDEN RX DFE 2'b00 : Automatic gain control (AGC) loop adapt. 2'b10 : Freeze current AGC adapt value. 2'bx1 : Override AGC value according to attribute. RX_DFE_GAIN_CFG |
gt< lane >_rxdfelfhold_in (5)(10)(12)(13)(14) |
Input | rxoutclk | When set to 1'b1, the current low-frequency boost value is held. When set to 1'b0, the low-frequency boost is adapted. |
gt< lane >_rxdfelpmreset_in/gt_rxdfelpmreset (4)(5)(10)(12)(14) |
Input | async | Driven High, then deasserted to start the DFE reset process. |
gt< lane >_rxlpmen_in/gt_rxplmen (4)(5)(10)(12)(14) |
Input | async |
RX datapath 0 : DFE 1 : LPM (Low Power Mode) |
gt< lane >_rxlpmhfovrden_in (5)(10)(12)(13)(14) |
Input | rxoutclk |
OVRDEN RX LPM 2'b00 : KH high frequency loop adapt value. 2'b10 : Freeze current adapt value. 2'bx1 : Override KH value according to the RXLPM_HF_CFG attribute. |
gt< lane >_rxlpmlfklovrden_in (5)(10)(12)(13)(14) |
Input | rxoutclk |
OVRDEN RX LPM 2'b00 : KL low frequency loop adapt value. 2'b10 : Freeze current adapt value. 2'bx1 : Override KL value according to the RXLPM_LF_CFG attribute. |
gt< lane >_rxmonitorout_out (5)(10)(12)(13)(14) |
Output | async |
GTX transceiver:
GTH transceiver:
gt< lane >_rxmonitorsel_in (5)(10)(12)(13)(14) |
Input | async |
Select signal for rxmonitorout[6:0] 2'b00 : Reserved. 2'b01 : Select AGC loop. 2'b10 : Select UT loop. 2'b11 : Select VP loop. |
gt< lane >_rxpcsreset_in/gt_rxpcsreset (4)(5)(10)(12)(14) |
Input | async | Driven High, then deasserted to start the RX PMA reset process. The rxpcsreset signal does not start the reset process until rxuserrdy is High. |
gt< lane >_rxpmareset_in/gt_rxpmareset (4)(5)(10)(12)(14) |
Input | async | Driven High, then deasserted to start the RX PMA reset process. |
gt< lane >_rxpmaresetdone_out/gt_rxpmaresetdone (4)(5)(10)(12)(14) |
Output | async | Indicates that the RX PMA reset is complete. Driven Low when GTRXRESET or RXPMARESET is asserted. Available for duplex and RX-only simplex configurations. Available only with GTH transceivers. |
gt< lane >_rxprbscntreset_in/gt_rxprbscntreset(4)(5)(10)(12)(14) |
Input | rxoutclk | Resets the PRBS error counter. |
gt< lane >_rxprbserr_out/gt_rxprbserr (4)(5)(10)(12)(14) |
Output | rxoutclk | Non-sticky status output indicates that PRBS errors have occurred. |
Input | rxoutclk |
Receiver PRBS checker test pattern control. Valid settings: 000 : Standard operation (PRBS check off). 001 : PRBS-7. 010 : PRBS-15. 011 : PRBS-23. 100 : PRBS-31. No checking is done for non-PRBS patterns. Single-bit errors cause bursts of PRBS errors because the PRBS checker uses data from the current cycle to generate expected data for the next cycle. |
gt_rxrate(4)(10)(12) | Input | rxoutclk | Dynamic pins to automatically change effective PLL dividers in the GTH transceiver RX. These ports are used for PCIe and other standards. Available only with UltraScale and UltraScale+ FPGAs. |
gt< lane >_rxresetdone_out/gt_rxresetdone (4)(5)(10)(12)(14) |
Output | rxoutclk | When asserted, indicates the GTX/GTH/GTY transceiver RX has finished reset and is ready for use. Driven Low when gtrxreset is driven High. Not driven High until rxuserrdy goes High. |
gt< lane >_txbufstatus_out/gt_txbufstatus (4)(5)(10)(11)(14) |
Output | user_clk |
txbufstatus[1] : TX buffer overflow or underflow status. When txbufstatus[1] is set High, the signal remains High until the TX buffer is reset. 1 : TX FIFO has overflow or underflow. 0 : No TX FIFO overflow or underflow error. txbufstatus[0] : TX buffer fullness. 1 : TX FIFO is at least half full. 0 : TX FIFO is less than half full. |
gt< lane >_txdiffctrl_in/gt_txdiffctrl (4)(5)(10)(11)(14) |
Input | async | Driver Swing Control. Available for duplex and TX-only simplex configurations. |
gt<lane>_txinhibit_in/gt_txinhibit (4)(5)(10)(11)(14) |
Input | user_clk | When High, this signal blocks transmission of TXDATA and forces the serial data output pin TXP to 0 and TXN to 1. |
gt< lane >_txmaincursor_in (5)(10)(11)(13)(14) | Input | async | Allows the main cursor coefficients to be set directly if the TX_MAINCURSOR_SEL attribute is set to 1'b1. |
gt< lane >_txpcsreset_in/gt_txpcsreset (4)(5)(10)(11)(14) |
Input | async | Resets the TX PCS. Driven High, then deasserted to start the PCS reset process. Activating this port only resets the TX PCS. |
gt< lane >_txpmareset_in/gt_txpmareset (4)(5)(10)(11)(14) |
Input | async | Resets the TX PMA. Driven High, then deasserted to start the TX PMA reset process. Activating this port resets both the TX PMA and the TX PCS. |
gt< lane >_txpolarity_in/gt_txpolarity (4)(5)(10)(11)(14) |
Input | user_clk |
Inverts the polarity of outgoing data. 0 : Not inverted. TXP is positive, and TXN is negative. 1 : Inverted. TXP is negative, and TXN is positive. |
gt< lane >_txpostcursor_in/gt_txpostcursor (4)(5)(10)(11)(14) |
Input | async | Transmitter post-cursor TX pre-emphasis control. |
gt< lane >_txprbsforceerr_in/gt_txprbsforceerr (4)(5)(10)(11)(14) |
Input | user_clk | When driven High, errors are forced into the PRBS transmitter. While asserted, the output data pattern contains errors. When txprbssel is set to 000, this port does not affect TXDATA. |
gt< lane >_txprbssel_in/gt_txprbssel (4)(5)(10)(11)(14) |
Input | user_clk |
Transmitter PRBS generator test pattern control. For 7 series devices: 000 : Standard mode (pattern generation off). 001 : PRBS-7. 010 : PRBS-15. 011 : PRBS-23. 100 : PRBS-31. 101 : PCI Express compliance pattern. Only works with 20-bit and 40-bit modes. 110 : Square wave with 2 UI (alternating 0s/1s). 111 : Square wave with 16 UI, 20 UI, 32 UI, or 40 UI period (based on data width). For UltraScale devices: 4'b0000 : Standard mode (pattern generation off). 4'b0001 : PRBS-7. 4'b0010 : PRBS-9. 4'b0011 : PRBS-15. 4'b0100 : PRBS-23. 4'b0101 : PRBS-31. 4'b1000 : PCI Express compliance pattern. Only works with internal data width 20 bit and 40 bit modes. 4'b1001 : Square wave with 2 UI (alternating 0s/1s). 4'b1010 : Square wave with 16 UI, 20 UI, 32 UI, or 40 UI period (based on internal data width). |
gt< lane >_txprecursor_in/gt_txprecusor (4)(5)(10)(11)(14) |
Input | async | Transmitter pre-cursor TX pre-emphasis control. |
gt< lane >_txresetdone_out/gt_txresetdone (4)(5)(10)(11)(14) |
Output | user_clk | Indicates the GTX/GTH/GTY transceiver TX has finished reset and is ready for use. Driven Low when gttxreset goes High and not driven High until the GTX/GTH/GTY transceiver TX detects txuserrdy High. |
gt_qplllock_quad< quad_no >/ gt_qplllock (3)(4)(5)(10)(11) |
Output | init_clk | Active-High PLL frequency lock signal. Indicates that the PLL frequency is within the predetermined tolerance. The transceiver and its clock outputs are not reliable until this condition is met. |
The following figure shows the status and control interface for an Aurora 64B/66B duplex core.
The following figure shows the status and control interface for an Aurora 64B/66B TX-only simplex core.
The following figure shows the status and control interface for an Aurora 64B/66B RX-only simplex core.
The following figureshows the status and control interface for an Aurora 64B/66B TX/RX Simplex core.
Loopback support is implemented when the core is generated with the GT outside. The loopback signal can be seen at the top in the example design support.