You can preview the shared logic files when you select Shared Logic in Example Design. You can see this option in IP Sources tab in the Vivado Project Manager along with Synthesis, Simulation filesets, and a new fileset for Shared Logic Files. These are read-only files can be optionally copied into the project if you want to use them as part of the project. You can use these files directly instead of taking the additional step of opening example design and then using these additional files. In the IP sources tab, right click the Aurora IP, which was configured as Shared Logic in Example Design, and then select the Copy Shared Logic into Project… option to copy these files into the project hierarchy view.
These shared logic files are read-only and when
copying them into project view, an additional copy of the same is generated and the
ownership is transferred to the project. While using these files, make sure to follow
all the sharing guidelines as per the transceiver type.
Figure 1. Aurora 64B/66B IP Hierarchy view showing Copy Shared Logic into

Note: Copying shared files in to the project is only for
Shared Logic in Example Design.