Integrate to an Existing LocalLink-based Aurora 64B/66B Design - 13.0 English

Aurora 64B/66B LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG074)

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13.0 English
  1. The Aurora 64B/66B core provides a lightweight 'shim' to interface to any existing LL based interface. The shims are delivered along with the core from the aurora_64b66b_v8_0 version of the core.
  2. See Figure 2 for the emulation of a LL Aurora 64B/66B core from a AXI4-Stream Aurora 64B/66B core.
  3. Two shims <user_component_name>_ll_to_axi.v and <user_component_name>_axi_to_ll.v are provided in the src directory of the AXI4-Stream Aurora 64B/66B core.
  4. Instantiate both the shims along with <user_component_name>.v in the existing LL based design top.
  5. Connect the shim and AXI4-Stream Aurora 64B/66B design as shown in Figure 2.
  6. The latest AXI4-Stream Aurora 64B/66B core is now usable in any existing LL design environment.