Example A: Simple Data Transfer - 12.0 English

Aurora 64B/66B LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG074)

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Release Date
12.0 English

The following figure shows an example of a simple n byte wide data transfer. 3 n bytes of data are sent requiring three data beats. s_axi_tx_tready is asserted indicating that the AXI4-Stream interface is ready to transmit data.

Figure 1. Simple Data Transfer

To begin the data transfer, the user application asserts s_axi_tx_tvalid and provides the first n bytes of the user frame. Because s_axi_tx_tready is already asserted, the data transfer begins on the next clock edge. The data bytes are placed in data blocks and transferred through the Aurora 64B/66B channel.

To end the data transfer, the user application asserts s_axi_tx_tlast, s_axi_tx_tvalid, the last data bytes, and the appropriate TKEEP value (0xFF) on the s_axi_tx_tkeep bus. The core sends the final data word in blocks and must send an empty separator block on the next cycle to indicate the end of the frame. s_axi_tx_tready is reasserted on the next cycle so that more data transfers can continue. If there is no new data, the Aurora 64B/66B core sends idles.