Starting Vivado 2024.2, the Aurora IP adopts a new GT wizard implementation. The behavior of the Aurora IP remains unchanged. The following figures summarize the connection change between the Aurora IP and wizard. It also shows the new ports which are present in the Aurora IP once upgraded.
The green colored lines represent new connections after migrating to new GT wizard. The red- and orange-colored lines represent the connections with old GT wizard. These are replaced with green lines.
Figure 1. Aurora connection with old GT Wizard
Figure 2. Aurora connection with new GT Wizard
The connection updates are described below.
Port | Direction | Description |
tx_reset_done | Input | This signal indicates reset done for TX interface of wizard. It is
connected to INTF0_rst_tx_done_out port of
wizard. |
rx_reset_done | Input | This signal indicates reset done for RX interface of wizard. It is
connected to INTF0_rst_rx_done_out port of
wizard. |
rxusrclk_in | Input | Connected to INTF0_RX_usrclk port of wizard. |
user_clk | Input | Connected to INTF0_TX_usrclk port of wizard. |
pma_init | Input | Common reset driver for pma_init and
INTF0_rs_all_in . |
link_reset_out | Output | Connected to INTF0_rst_rx_datapath_in . |