Aurora 64B/66B cores can be used in a wide variety of applications because of their low
resource cost, scalable throughput, and flexible data interface. Examples of Aurora
64B/66B core applications include:
- Chip-to-chip links
- Replacing parallel connections between chips with high-speed serial connections can significantly reduce the number of traces and layers required on a PCB.
- Board-to-board and backplane links
- Aurora 64B/66B uses standard 64B/66B encoding, that is the preferred encoding scheme for 10 Gigabit Ethernet, making it compatible with many existing hardware standards for cables and backplanes. Aurora 64B/66B can be scaled in line rate and channel width to allow the usage of inexpensive legacy hardware in new, high-performance systems.
- Simplex connections (unidirectional)
- The Aurora 64B/66B simplex protocol provides unidirectional channel initialization, which makes the usage of the GTX, GTH, and GTY transceivers possible when a back channel is not available, and reduces the cost due to unused full-duplex resources.