The interface signals for the AXI Memory Mapped to PCI Express are described in Table: Top-Level Interface Signals .
Signal Name |
I/O |
Description |
Global Signals |
refclk |
I |
PCIe Reference Clock |
axi_aresetn |
I |
Global reset signal for the IP. Resets GT, PCIe, and AXI interfaces. |
axi_aclk_out |
O |
PCIe derived clock output for axi_aclk . |
axi_ctl_aclk_out |
O |
PCIe derived clock output for axi_ctl_aclk |
mmcm_lock |
O |
Indicates axi_aclk_out from the axi_enhanced_pcie block is stable |
interrupt_out |
O |
Interrupt signal. This signal is asserted for as long as there exists at least one bit asserted in the Interrupt Decode register and is not masked in the Interrupt Mask register. |
user_link_up |
O |
This signal is asserted when the PCI Express core is linked up with a link partner PCIe device. |
AXI Slave Interface |
s_axi_awid[c_s_axi_id_width-1:0] |
I |
Slave write address ID |
s_axi_awaddr[ c_s_ axi_addr_width-1:0] |
I |
Slave write address |
s_axi_awregion[3:0] |
I |
Slave write region decode |
s_axi_awlen[7:0] |
I |
Slave write burst length |
s_axi_awsize[2:0] |
I |
Slave write burst size |
s_axi_awburst[1:0] |
I |
Slave write burst type |
s_axi_awvalid |
I |
Slave address write valid |
s_axi_awready |
O |
Slave address write ready |
s_axi_wdata[ c_s_ axi_data_width-1:0] |
I |
Slave write data |
s_axi_wstrb[ c_s_ axi_data_width/8-1:0] |
I |
Slave write strobe |
s_axi_wlast |
I |
Slave write last |
s_axi_wvalid |
I |
Slave write valid |
s_axi_wready |
O |
Slave write ready |
s_axi_bid[c_s_axi_id_width-1:0] |
O |
Slave response ID |
s_axi_bresp[1:0] |
O |
Slave write response |
s_axi_bvalid |
O |
Slave write response valid |
s_axi_bready |
I |
Slave response ready |
s_axi_arid[c_s_axi_id_width-1:0] |
I |
Slave read address ID |
s_axi_araddr[ c_s_ axi_addr_width-1:0] |
I |
Slave read address |
s_axi_arregion[3:0] |
I |
Slave read region decode |
s_axi_arlen[7:0] |
I |
Slave read burst length |
s_axi_arsize[2:0] |
I |
Slave read burst size |
s_axi_arburst[1:0] |
I |
Slave read burst type |
s_axi_arvalid |
I |
Slave read address valid |
s_axi_arready |
O |
Slave read address ready |
s_axi_rid[c_s_axi_id_width-1:0] |
O |
Slave read ID tag |
s_axi_rdata[ c_s_ axi_data_width-1:0] |
O |
Slave read data |
s_axi_rresp[1:0] |
O |
Slave read response |
s_axi_rlast |
O |
Slave read last |
s_axi_rvalid |
O |
Slave read valid |
s_axi_rready |
I |
Slave read ready |
AXI Master Interface |
m_axi_awaddr[ c_m_ axi_addr_width-1:0] |
O |
Master write address |
m_axi_awlen[7:0] |
O |
Master write burst length |
m_axi_awsize[2:0] |
O |
Master write burst size |
m_axi_awburst[1:0] |
O |
Master write burst type |
m_axi_awprot[2:0] |
O |
Master write protection type |
m_axi_awvalid |
O |
Master write address valid |
m_axi_awready |
I |
Master write address ready |
m_axi_wdata[ c_m_ axi_data_width-1:0] |
O |
Master write data |
m_axi_wstrb[ c_m_ axi_data_width/8-1:0] |
O |
Master write strobe |
m_axi_wlast |
O |
Master write last |
m_axi_wvalid |
O |
Master write valid |
m_axi_wready |
I |
Master write ready |
m_axi_bresp[1:0] |
I |
Master write response |
m_axi_bvalid |
I |
Master write response valid |
m_axi_bready |
O |
Master response ready |
m_axi_araddr[ c_m_ axi_addr_width-1:0] |
O |
Master read address |
m_axi_arlen[7:0] |
O |
Master read burst length |
m_axi_arsize[2:0] (1) |
O |
Master read burst size |
m_axi_arburst[1:0] |
O |
Master read burst type |
m_axi_arprot[2:0] |
O |
Master read protection type |
m_axi_arvalid |
O |
Master read address valid |
m_axi_arready |
I |
Master read address ready. This signal only responds when Bus Master Enable bit is set in the Command register within PCI Configuration Space. |
m_axi_rdata[ c_m_ axi_data_width-1:0] |
I |
Master read data |
m_axi_rresp[1:0] |
I |
Master read response |
m_axi_rlast |
I |
Master read last |
m_axi_rvalid |
I |
Master read valid |
m_axi_rready |
O |
Master read ready |
AXI4-Lite Control Interface |
s_axi_ctl_awaddr[31:0] |
I |
Slave write address |
s_axi_ctl_awvalid |
I |
Slave write address valid |
s_axi_ctl_awready |
O |
Slave write address ready |
s_axi_ctl_wdata[31:0] |
I |
Slave write data |
s_axi_ctl_wstrb[3:0] |
I |
Slave write strobe |
s_axi_ctl_wvalid |
I |
Slave write valid |
s_axi_ctl_wready |
O |
Slave write ready |
s_axi_ctl_bresp[1:0] |
O |
Slave write response |
s_axi_ctl_bvalid |
O |
Slave write response valid |
s_axi_ctl_bready |
I |
Slave response ready |
s_axi_ctl_araddr[31:0] |
I |
Slave read address |
s_axi_ctl_arvalid |
I |
Slave read address valid |
s_axi_ctl_arready |
O |
Slave read address ready |
s_axi_ctl_rdata[31:0] |
O |
Slave read data |
s_axi_ctl_rresp[1:0] |
O |
Slave read response |
s_axi_ctl_rvalid |
O |
Slave read valid |
s_axi_ctl_rready |
I |
Slave read ready |
MSI Signals |
intx_msi_request |
I |
Legacy interrupt input (see c_interrupt_pin ) when msi_enable = 0. Initiates a MSI write request when msi_enable = 1. Intx_msi_request is asserted for one clock period. |
intx_msi_grant |
O |
Indicates legacy interrupt/MSI grant signal. The intx_msi_grant signal is asserted for one clock period when the interrupt is accepted by the PCIe core. |
msi_enable |
O |
Indicates when MSI is enabled. |
msi_vector_num [4:0] |
I |
Indicates MSI vector to send when writing a MSI write request. |
msi_vector_width [2:0] |
O |
Indicates the size of the MSI field (the number of MSI vectors allocated to the device). |
PCIe Interface |
pci_exp_rxp [C_NO_OF_LANES-1:0][] |
I |
PCIe RX serial interface |
pci_exp_rxn [C_NO_OF_LANES-1:0][] |
I |
PCIe RX serial interface |
pci_exp_txp [C_NO_OF_LANES-1:0][] |
O |
PCIe TX serial interface |
pci_exp_txn [C_NO_OF_LANES-1:0][] |
O |
PCIe TX serial interface |
Notes: 1. When a read request is received with a length that is not 1DW and is shorter than the Master AXI data width, m_axi_arsize always indicates that the requested size is equal to the Master AXI data width. The core drops the extra data when a completion packet is formed and sent back to the requester. |