The PIPE Simulation mode allows you to run the simulations without serial transceiver block to speed up simulations. To run the simulations using the PIPE interface to speed up the simulation, generate the core after selecting the Enable External PIPE Interface option in the Basic tab of the Customize IP dialog box.
For details, see Enable External PIPE Interface . For third-party bus functional model support, see the PIPE Mode Simulation Using Integrated Endpoint PCI Express Block in Gen2 x8 Configurations Application Note (XAPP1184) [Ref 16] .
Third-party simulation support pulls out the following ports when Enable External PIPE interface ports is selected. The following tables describe the ports that add to the boundary of the AXI PCIe core when this option is selected.
For PIPE ports to and from the pcie_top, each lane has independent input and output bus signals.
Table: Common Input/Output Commands with Endpoint PIPE Signals Mapping and Table: Input/Output Bus with Endpoint PIPE Signals Mapping describe the PIPE bus signals available at the top level of the core and their corresponding mapping inside the EP core (pcie_top) PIPE signals.
IMPORTANT: A new file, xil_sig2pipe.v , is delivered in the simulation directory, and the file replaces phy_sig_gen.v . BFM/VIPs should interface with the xil_sig2pipe instance in board.v .
In Commands |
Endpoint PIPE Signals Mapping |
Out Commands |
Endpoint PIPE Signals Mapping |
common_commands_in[3:0] |
not used (1) |
common_commands_out[0] |
pipe_clk (2) |
common_commands_out[1] |
pipe_tx_rate_gt (3) |
common_commands_out[2] |
pipe_tx_rcvr_det_gt |
common_commands_out[3] |
pipe_tx_deemph_gt |
common_commands_out[6:4] |
pipe_tx_margin_gt |
common_commands_out[11:7] |
not used (1) |
Notes: 1. These ports functionality has been deprecated and can be left unconnected. 2. pipe_clk is an output clock based on the core configuration. For Gen1 rate, pipe_clk is 125 MHz. For Gen2, pipe_clk is 250 MHz. 3. pipe_tx_rate_gt indicates the pipe rate: 1’b0 for Gen1, and 1’b1 for Gen2. |
Input Bus |
Endpoint PIPE Signals Mapping |
Output Bus |
Endpoint PIPE Signals Mapping |
pipe_rx_0_sigs[15:0] |
pipe_rx0_data_gt |
pipe_tx_0_sigs[15: 0] |
pipe_tx0_data_gt |
pipe_rx_0_sigs[17:16] |
pipe_rx0_char_is_k_gt |
pipe_tx_0_sigs[17:16] |
pipe_tx0_char_is_k_gt |
pipe_rx_0_sigs[18] |
pipe_rx0_elec_idle_gt |
pipe_tx_0_sigs[18] |
pipe_tx0_elec_idle_gt |
pipe_rx_0_sigs[24:19] |
not used (1) |
pipe_tx_0_sigs[19] |
pipe_tx0_compliance_gt |
pipe_tx_0_sigs[20] |
pipe_rx0_polarity_gt |
pipe_tx_0_sigs[22:21] |
pipe_tx0_powerdown_gt |
Notes: 1. This ports functionality has been deprecated and can be left unconnected. 2. Lanes 1 to 7 use similar signal definitions. |