RX Descriptor Fields - 7.1 English

AXI DMA LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG021)

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Release Date
7.1 English
Table 1. RX Descriptor Fields
Address Space Offset Name Description
00h NXTDESC Bits 5:0 – Reserved

Bits 31:6 – Next Descriptor Pointer

04h NXTDESC_MSB Provides upper 32 bits of the next descriptor pointer. Applicable when DMA is configured for an address space greater than 32.
08h BUFFER_ADDRESS Bits 31:0 – Buffer Address

Provides the location of the buffer space available to store data transferred from Stream to Memory Map. The address should be aligned to Memory Map data width.

0Ch BUFFER_ADDRESS_MSB Provides the upper 32 bits of buffer address. This is used only when AXI DMA is configured for an address space greater than 32.
10h CACHE_USER_CTL Bit 23:0 – Reserved
Bit 27:24 – AWCACHE – Cache type. This signal provides additional information about the cacheable characteristics of the transfer. See the AMBA® AXI and ACE Protocol Specification for a different decoding mechanism.

AWCACHE values from RX descriptor are presented on AWCACHE [3:0] bus during address cycle. Default value of this field should be 0011.

Bits 31:28 – AWUSER – sideband signals used for user- defined information. AWUSER values from RX descriptor are presented on AWUSER [3:0]. AWUSER values and their interpretations are user-defined. You can keep AWUSER static for entire packet by programming same values in all the descriptors within a chain.
14h STRIDE_VSIZE Bits 15:0 – Stride Control. It is the address distance between the first address of successive “horizontal” writes.

Writes start at the Buffer Address and write HSIZE bytes, then skip STRIDE-HSIZE addresses and write HSIZE bytes, and so on. This continues until VSIZE has been written. On AXI4-Stream this is received on the s_axis_s2mm_ interface as one contiguous packet and is terminated with a single assertion of TLAST on the last data beat of the transfer.

Bits 18:16 – Reserved
Bits 31:19 – Number of “horizontal lines” for stride access. Can represent two-dimensional video data or the size of a 2-D matrix. VSIZE number of transfers, each HSIZE bytes long, are expected to be received for each packet.
18h HSIZE Bits 15:0 – Number of bytes to transfer in each “horizontal line” from successive contiguous byte addresses. Can represent a portion of a video line or a portion of a matrix row when matrix is stored in row major order.

Bits 31:16 – Reserved

1Ch MC_STS Multichannel Status bits.

Bits 4:0 – TDEST provides routing information for the data stream. TDEST values are static for entire packet.

TDEST values are captured from incoming stream and updated in this field.

Bits 7:5 – Reserved
Bits 12:8 – TID provides a stream identifier. TID values are static for entire packet. TID values are captured from incoming stream and updated in this field.
Bits 15:13 – Reserved
Bits 19:16 – TUSER – sideband signals used for user-defined information. TUSER values are static for entire packet. TUSER values are captured from incoming stream and updated in this field.
Bits 25:20 – Reserved
Bits 25:24 – Reserved
Bit 26 – RXEOP – End of packet flag. It indicates the buffer associated with this descriptor contains the last part of packet. This flag is set by AXI DMA.
  • 0 – Not end of packet
  • 1 – End of packet
Bit 27 – RXSOP – Start of packet flag. It indicates the buffer associated with this descriptor contains the start of the packet. This flag is set by AXI DMA.
  • 0 – Not end of packet
  • 1 – End of packet
Bit 28 – IE – DMA Internal Error due to under-run or over-run conditions.
  • 0 – No DMA Internal Errors
  • 1 –DMA Internal Error detected. DMA Engine halts.
Bit 29 – SE – DMA Slave Error. This error occurs if the slave read from the Memory Map interface issues a Slave Error.
  • 0 – No DMA Slave Errors
  • 1 –DMA Slave Error detected. DMA Engine halts.
Bit 30 – DE – DMA Decode Error. This error occurs if the address request is to an invalid address.
  • 0 – No DMA Decode Errors
  • 1 –DMA Decode Error detected. DMA Engine halts.
Bit 31 – Cmp – Completed. This indicates to the software that the DMA engine has completed the transfer.
  • 0 – Descriptor not completed
  • 1 –Descriptor completed
  1. The AWCACHE, AWUSER values are important from the AXI write prospective. These values should be specified in the descriptor as needed. For normal operation AWCACHE should be set to 0011 while AWUSER can be set to 0000.
  2. A value of '0' on VSIZE is illegal and results in the multichannel DMA not functioning as expected.