Performance - 7.1 English

AXI DMA LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG021)

Document ID
Release Date
7.1 English

Latency and Throughput

The following tables describe the latency and throughput for the AXI DMA. The tables provide performance information for a typical configuration. The throughput test consisted of transferring 10,000 bytes on the MM2S and S2MM side.

Throughput is measured from completion of descriptor fetching (DMACR.Idle = 1) to frame count interrupt assertion.

Table 1. AXI DMA Latency Numbers
Description Clocks
MM2S Channel
Tail Descriptor write to m_axi_sg_arvalid 10
m_axi_sg_arvalid to m_axi_mm2s_arvalid 28
m_axi_mm2s_arvalidto m_axis_mm2s_tvalid 6
S2MM Channel
Tail Descriptor write to m_axi_sg_arvalid 10
s_axis_s2mm_tvalid to m_axi_s2mm_awvalid 39
Table 2. AXI DMA Throughput Numbers 1
Channel Clock Frequency (MHz) Bytes Transferred Total Throughput (MB/s) Percent of Theoretical
MM2S 2 100 10,000 399.04 99.76
S2MM 3 100 10,000 298.59 74.64
  1. The preceding figures are measured with the default IP configuration.
  2. The MM2S throughput is measured between the first arvalid on Memory Map side to the tlast on streaming side.
  3. The S2MM throughput is measured between the first tvalid on streaming side to last wlast on the Memory Map side.