
Kria KD240 Drive Starter Kit Data Sheet (DS984)

Document ID
Release Date
1.1 English

Operating and Storage Temperature Conditions

Table 1. Operating and Storage Temperatures and Humidity Condition
Specification Condition
Operating temperature 0°C to 35°C (maximum at continuous operation) 1
Storage temperature 0°C to 70°C
Operating humidity, non-condensing 8% to 90%, and a dew point of –12°C
Storage humidity, non-condensing 5% to 95%
  1. The Kria KD240 Drives Starter Kit is for evaluation purposes only. The operating temperature range is not fully tested, it is a general guideline. Use the Kria KD240 Drives Starter Kit in a typical lab environment. Do not operate beyond room temperature.

KD240 Starter Kit Cooling Solution

The KD240 Starter Kit uses a passive cooling solution to support the maximum 6.5W base K24 SOM thermal power dissipation at 35°C ambient temperature. Variable fan speed control can be implemented through an FPGA-based PWM fan controller. The fan gating signal is connected to an FPGA HD I/O bank pin for control. Consult the corresponding KD240 Starter Kit carrier card schematic for the specific pin assignment. Refer to Kria SOM Wiki for the latest thermal solution options.