LVDS DC Specifications (LVDS12) - DS956

Versal Prime Series Data Sheet: DC and AC Switching Characteristics (DS956)

Document ID
Release Date
1.14 English

The LVDS12 standards are available in the X5IO banks. See the Versal Adaptive SoC SelectIO Resources Architecture Manual (AM010) for more information.

Table 1. LVDS12 DC Specifications
Symbol DC Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
VCCO 1 Supply voltage 1.14 1.20 1.26 V
VODIFF 2 Differential output voltage:

(Q – Q), Q = High

(Q – Q), Q = High

RT = 100Ω across Q and Q signals 150 222 300 mV
VOCM 2 Output common-mode voltage RT = 100Ω across Q and Q signals 0.75 1.1 V
VIDIFF 3 Differential input voltage:

(Q – Q), Q = High

(Q – Q), Q = High

100 350 600 mV
VICM_DC 3, 4 Input common-mode voltage (DC coupling) 0.300 1.15 V
VICM_AC 5 Input common-mode voltage (AC coupling) 200 330 mV
  1. In X5IO banks, when LVDS12 is used with input-only functionality, it can be placed in a bank where the VCCO levels are different from the specified level only if internal differential termination is not used. In this scenario, VCCO must be chosen to ensure the input pin voltage levels do not violate the Recommended Operating Condition (Table 1) specification for the VIN I/O pin voltage.
  2. VOCM and VODIFF values are for LVDS_PRE_EMPHASIS = FALSE.
  3. Not all combinations of VIDIFF and VICM_DC levels are compatible. The VIN recommended operating voltage takes priority over the LVDS12 DC specification. The following equation illustrates the relationship: VICM_DC(MAX) = VIN(MAX) – VIDIFF/2.
  4. Input common mode voltage for DC coupled configurations. EQUALIZATION = EQ_NONE (Default).
  5. AC coupling with external bias and external differential termination with EQUALIZATION settings enabled. EQUALIZATION = EQ_LEVEL0, EQ_LEVEL1, EQ_LEVEL2, EQ_LEVEL3, or EQ_LEVEL4, any setting except EQ_NONE.