GTM Transceiver DC Input and Output Levels

Virtex UltraScale+ FPGA Data Sheet: DC and AC Switching Characteristics (DS923)

Document ID
Release Date
1.20 English

Table 1 summarizes the DC specifications of the GTM transceivers in Virtex UltraScale+ FPGAs. Consult the Virtex UltraScale+ FPGAs GTM Transceivers User Guide (UG581) for further details.

Table 1. GTM Transceiver DC Specifications
Symbol DC Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
DVPPIN Differential peak-to-peak input voltage (external AC coupled) PAM4 600 800 mV
NRZ 150 900 mV
DVPPOUT Differential peak-to-peak output voltage 1 Transmitter output swing is set to 11111 800 mV
VCMOUTAC Common mode output voltage: AC coupled Equation based VMGTAVTT – DVPPOUT/2 mV
RIN Differential input resistance 100 Ω
ROUT Differential output resistance 100 Ω
TOSKEW Transmitter output pair (TXP and TXN) intra-pair skew 10 ps
CEXT Recommended external AC coupling capacitor 3 100 nF
  1. The output swing and pre-emphasis levels are programmable using the GTM transceiver attributes discussed in the Virtex UltraScale+ FPGAs GTM Transceivers User Guide (UG581) and can result in values lower than reported in this table.
  2. VRX_TERM is the remote RX termination voltage.
  3. Other values can be used as appropriate to conform to specific protocols and standards.
Figure 1. Single-Ended Peak-to-Peak Voltage

Figure 2. Differential Peak-to-Peak Voltage

The following tables summarize the DC specifications of the clock input/output levels of the GTM transceivers in Virtex UltraScale+ FPGAs. Consult the Virtex UltraScale+ FPGAs GTM Transceivers User Guide (UG581) for further details.

Table 2. GTM Transceiver Clock DC Input Level Specification
Symbol DC Parameter Min Typ Max Units
VIDIFF Differential peak-to-peak input voltage 250 2000 mV
RIN Differential input resistance 100 Ω
CEXT Required external AC coupling capacitor 10 nF