Absolute Maximum Ratings

Kintex UltraScale+ FPGAs Data Sheet: DC and AC Switching Characteristics (DS922)

Document ID
Release Date
1.18 English
Table 1. Absolute Maximum Ratings
Symbol Description 1 Min Max Units

FPGA Logic

VCCINT Internal supply voltage –0.500 1.000 V
VCCINT_IO 2 Internal supply voltage for the I/O banks –0.500 1.000 V
VCCAUX Auxiliary supply voltage –0.500 2.000 V
VCCBRAM Supply voltage for the block RAM and UltraRAM –0.500 1.000 V
VCCO Output drivers supply voltage for HD I/O banks –0.500 3.400 V
Output drivers supply voltage for HP I/O banks and configuration bank 0 –0.500 2.000 V
VCCAUX_IO 3 Auxiliary supply voltage for the I/O banks –0.500 2.000 V
VREF Input reference voltage for HP I/O banks –0.500 2.000 V
VIN 4, 5 , 6 , 7 I/O input voltage for HD I/O banks –0.550 VCCO + 0.550 V
I/O input voltage for HP I/O banks –0.550 VCCO + 0.550 V
VBATT Key memory battery backup supply –0.500 2.000 V
IDC Available output current at the pad –20 20 mA
IRMS Available RMS output current at the pad –20 20 mA

GTH or GTY Transceiver 8

VMGTAVCC Analog supply voltage for transceiver circuits –0.500 1.000 V
VMGTAVTT Analog supply voltage for transceiver termination circuits –0.500 1.300 V
VMGTVCCAUX Auxiliary analog Quad PLL (QPLL) voltage supply for transceivers –0.500 1.900 V
VMGTREFCLK Transceiver reference clock absolute input voltage –0.500 1.300 V
VMGTAVTTRCAL Analog supply voltage for the resistor calibration circuit of the transceiver column –0.500 1.300 V
VIN Receiver (RXP/RXN) and transmitter (TXP/TXN) absolute input voltage –0.500 1.200 V
IDCIN-FLOAT DC input current for receiver input pins DC coupled RX termination = floating 9 10 mA
IDCIN-MGTAVTT DC input current for receiver input pins DC coupled RX termination = VMGTAVTT 10 mA
IDCIN-GND DC input current for receiver input pins DC coupled RX termination = GND 10 0 mA
IDCIN-PROG DC input current for receiver input pins DC coupled RX termination = programmable 11 0 mA
IDCOUT-FLOAT DC output current for transmitter pins DC coupled RX termination = floating 6 mA
IDCOUT-MGTAVTT DC output current for transmitter pins DC coupled RX termination = VMGTAVTT 6 mA

System Monitor

VCCADC System Monitor supply relative to GNDADC –0.500 2.000 V
VREFP System Monitor reference input relative to GNDADC –0.500 2.000 V

Temperature 12

TSTG Storage temperature (ambient) –65 150 °C
TSOL Maximum dry rework soldering temperature 260 °C
Maximum reflow soldering temperature for SFVB784, FFVA676, and FFVB676 packages 250 °C
Maximum reflow soldering temperature for FFVD900, FFVE900, FFVA1156, FFVE1517, FFVA1760, FFVE1760, FFVJ1760, and FFVB2104 packages 245 °C
Maximum reflow soldering temperature for the FFRB676, SFRB784, FFRA1156, and FFRE1517 packages 225 °C
Tj Maximum junction temperature 125 °C
  1. Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings might cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those listed under Operating Conditions is not implied. Exposure to Absolute Maximum Ratings conditions for extended periods of time might affect device reliability.
  2. VCCINT_IO must be connected to VCCBRAM.
  3. VCCAUX_IO must be connected to VCCAUX.
  4. The lower absolute voltage specification always applies.
  5. For I/O operation, see the UltraScale Architecture SelectIO Resources User Guide (UG571).
  6. When operating outside of the recommended operating conditions, refer to Table 1 and Table 2 for maximum overshoot and undershoot specifications.
  7. VIN for the POR_OVERRIDE pin is unique. POR_OVERRIDE must be connected to either GND (default) or VCCINT. See TPOR in Configuration Switching Characteristics for additional information.
  8. For more information on supported GTH or GTY transceiver terminations see the UltraScale Architecture GTH Transceivers User Guide (UG576) or UltraScale Architecture GTY Transceivers User Guide (UG578) .
  9. AC coupled operation is not supported for RX termination = floating.
  10. For GTY transceivers, DC coupled operation is not supported for RX termination = GND.
  11. DC coupled operation is not supported for RX termination = programmable.
  12. For soldering guidelines and thermal considerations, see the UltraScale and UltraScale+ FPGAs Packaging and Pinouts Product Specification (UG575).