Advanced Search Options

Getting Started with the Technical Information Portal (XTP716)

Document ID
Release Date
1.10 English
Search Option Instructions Example Example Result
Phrase search Enter search terms inside quotes to search for an exact phrase.
Note: You must use quotes when searching for strings that include underscores. If you do not use quotes, the search function treats underscores as spaces.
"design closure" Returns results for design closure only. For example, this query does not return results that include timing closure.
Wildcard search Enter an asterisk (*) to represent one or more characters in your search.
Note: Wildcards only work at the end of a string, not at the beginning.
simulat* Returns results that include simulate, simulating, simulation, etc.
AND operator Enter AND between search terms to return results that include all search terms specified. Vitis AND HLS Returns only results that include both Vitis and HLS.
NOT operator Enter NOT between search terms to return results that include the first term but not the second term. HLS NOT Vivado Returns only results that include HLS but not Vivado.
OR operator Enter OR between search terms to return results that match at least one of the search terms. AI OR Engine Returns results that include AI or Engine or both.
OPT operator Enter OPT between search terms to return results that include the first term and optionally, the first term plus the second term. AI OPT Engine Returns results that include AI and AI Engine.
Important: Operators are case sensitive. Use uppercase letters when using operators. For example, enter AND, not and.