Field Name | Bits | Type | Reset Value | Description |
Lock_ID_A | 25:22 | rwNormal read/write | 0 | Lock to use for this transfer |
Enable_Release | 21 | rwNormal read/write | 0 | If a release request shall be done when the BD is completed |
Release_Value_A | 20 | rwNormal read/write | 0 | Lock release value |
Use_Release_Value_A | 19 | rwNormal read/write | 0 | Set the release value. If false, leave lock value unchanged |
Enable_Acquire | 18 | rwNormal read/write | 0 | If an acquire request shall be done when the BD is started |
Acquire_Value_A | 17 | rwNormal read/write | 0 | Lock aquire value |
Use_Acquire_Value_A | 16 | rwNormal read/write | 0 | Require lock to have given value. If false, acquire lock with any value |
Base_Address_A | 12:0 | rwNormal read/write | 0 | Base Address A (32-bit aligned adress) |