Versal devices are footprint compatible only with other Versal devices with the same numerical portion of the package name and the same preceding single character alphabetic designator. For example, the VM1802-VSVD1760 is footprint compatible with the VC1902-VSVD1760, because the 1760 is preceded with a D in both package names, but not footprint compatible with the VM1802-VFVC1760. Also, the VC1502-VSVA1596 is footprint compatible with the VC1902-VIVA1596, regardless of a difference in package dimensions, because the 1596 is preceded by an A in both package names. Pins that are available in one device but are not available in another device are labeled as NC in the package file of the other device.
The following table shows the footprint compatible devices available for each package. See the Versal Architecture and Product Data Sheet: Overview (DS950) for specific package letter code options. All packages are available with eutectic-SnPb BGA balls. For these packages, the device type is XQ and the Pb-free signifier in the package name is a Q.
Packages | Footprint Compatible Devices | ||||||
SBVA484 SBRA484 | VE2002 | VE2102 | |||||
SBVA625 | VE2002 | VE2102 | |||||
SFVA784 SSRA784 | VE2002 | VE2102 | VE2202 | VE2302 | VM1102 | ||
NBVB1024 | VM1302 | VM1402 | |||||
NFVD1024 | VM2152 | ||||||
NFVB1369 | VM1502 | ||||||
NSVF1369 | VM1302 | VM1402 | |||||
NSVG1369 NSRG1369 | VC1502 | VC1702 | VE1752 | ||||
NSVH1369 | VC2602 | VC2802 | VE2602 | VE2802 | |||
NFVI1369 | VP1002 | VP1052 | |||||
NFVM1369 | VM2152 | ||||||
SBVJ1369 SBRJ1369 | VP1052 | ||||||
VFVC1596 VSRC1596 | VM1302 | VM1402 | |||||
VSVA1596 VIVA1596 VSRA1596 VIRA1596 1 | VC1502 | VC1702 | VE1752 | VC1802 | VC1902 | ||
VFVC1760 | VM1502 | VM1802 | |||||
VFVF1760 | VM2302 | VM2902 | VP1002 | VP1052 | VP1102 | VP1402 | |
VSVD1760 VSRD1760 | VM1302 | VM1402 | VM1802 | VC1802 | VC1902 | ||
VSVH1760 | VC2602 | VC2802 | VE2602 | VE2802 | |||
VSVA2197 VSRA2197 | VM1502 | VC1502 | VC1702 | VE1752 | VM1802 | VC1802 | VC1902 |
VSVD2197 | VP1402 | ||||||
VSVA2785 VSRA2785 | VP1102 | VP1202 | VP1402 | VP1502 | VP1552 | ||
VSVA3340 VSRA3340 | VP1402 | VP1502 | VP1552 | VP1702 | |||
VSVB3340 VSRB3340 | VP2502 | ||||||
VSVA3697 | VH1522 | VH1542 | VH1582 | ||||
LSVC4072 | VP1802 | ||||||
LSVA4737 | VH1542 | VH1582 | VH1742 | VH1782 | |||
VSVA5601 | VP1702 | VP1802 | VP2502 | VP2802 | |||
VSVA6865 | VP1902 | ||||||
VSVB6865 | VP1902 | ||||||
Many Versal devices that are footprint compatible in a package have different I/O bank and transceiver quad numbers connected to the same package pins. Due to these differences, when migrating between devices in a specific package, the type of bank (HD vs. XP) or quad (GTY, GTYP, or GTM), whether a bank is connected or NC at the package pins, and where the bank or quad is located on the die must be taken into consideration. The following tables show how the banks and transceiver quads are numbered between devices in each package. For all grouped-together footprint-compatible packages, the bank and quad numbers in the same column (indicated by the letters A through Z) for each device are connected to the same package pins. For example, in the VSVA2785 package, quad 207 for the VP1502 and VP1552 are connected to the same pins as quad 206 for the VP1102, VP1202, and VP1402. For a visual representation of all of this information, see Figure 1.