SRL Shift Register Primitives

Versal ACAP Configurable Logic Block Architecture Manual (AM005)

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1.2 English

This example of an SRL shift register primitive is the 32-bit shift register (SRLC32E).

Figure 1. SRL Shift Register Primitive


Table 1. Attribute Name, Description, and Possible Values
Attribute Description Values
INIT Specifies logic expression. 64-bit value (hex)
IS_CLK_INVERTED Specifies whether or not to use the optional inversion on the clock pin (CLK). 1’b0 or 1’b1

Port Descriptions

Table 2. Port Name, Type, and Description
Port Type Description
A<4:0> Input The address input selects the bit to be read
CE Input Active-High clock enable
CLK Input Clock
D Input SRL data input
Q Output SRL data output selected by the address inputs
Q31 Output SRL data output, provides the last bit value of the 32-bit shift register