Document Bar - 1.4 English - UG968

Xilinx Documentation Navigator User Guide

Document ID
Release Date
1.4 English
The Document Bar provides a variety of functions for managing access to documents. To access the Document Bar, click on the double headed arrow at the top right corner of the DocNav application.
  1. The History option provides the following sub-options:
    • The Open Document displays all the documents that are currently opened in the Tab view.
    • The Catalog View and the Desgin Hub View switches between the default open Catalog and Design Hub view tabs.
    • The Recent Documents are recently opened documents that are listed just below the open documents.
  2. My Favorites provide quick and easy access to documents opened regularly.
    • To add a document to the My Favorites section of the Document Bar, right-click the entry in the Open Documents section and select Add to My Favorites.
    • To remove a document from My Favorites, right-click the entry in the My Favorites Document Bar and select Remove from My Favorites.
  3. User Documents lets you easily access external documents from Documentation Navigator.
    • To add documents, hover over the User Documets option to view a pop menu with additional options.
      Add web link
      lets you add an entry to the User Documents tree pointing to a web page.
      • The page will open in the standard system browser.
      • Web Links opened from User Documents are not added to the list of Open Documents.
      Add User Document
      lets you add any .pdf documents that you have saved locally from an external source.
      • To add a PDF document, click on Add PDF Document.
        • On the Windows operating system, PDF documents open in a tab within the application window.
        • On the Linux operating system, PDF documents open in a separate window using either the browser or the application defined to handle PDF files.
      Add Local Directory
      lets you add a shortcut to the filepath of a specific file directory.
      User Document Manager
      lets you create a shortcut filepath to access a specific folder.
  4. Xilinx Resources are links to useful Xilinx web pages. lets you access you active search result documents.
  5. Search Results lets you access your active search results.