pass_2() - 2024.2 English

Vitis Libraries

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

API Syntax

template <int SRC_T, int HEIGHT, int WIDTH, int NPC, int XFCVDEPTH_OUT>
void pass_2(uint8_t* fwd_in_ptr,
            xf::cv::Mat<SRC_T, HEIGHT, WIDTH, NPC, XFCVDEPTH_OUT>& tmp_out_mat,
            uint8_t* out_ptr,
            int& def_pix,
            int height,
            int width)

Parameter Descriptions

The following table describes the template and the function parameters.

Table 239 Table: Pass_2 Parameter Description
Parameter Description
SRC_T Input Pixel type. The current supported pixel value is XF_8UC1
HEIGHT Maximum height of the image that hardware kernel must be built for
WIDTH Maximum width of the image that hardware kernel must be built for
NPC Number of Pixels to be processed per cycle. NPPC1 is supported.
XFCVDEPTH_OUT Depth of Mat Image
fwd_in_ptr Output Image pointer of fw_cca
tmp_out_mat Output Image of rev_cca
out_ptr Output Image pointer of pass_2
def_pix number of defect pixels
height height of Image pointer
width width of Image pointer

Resource Utilization

The following table summarizes the resource utilization in different configurations, generated using Vitis HLS 2022.2 tool for the xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e, to process a FHD image.

Table 240 Table: Defect detection Resource Utilization Summary at 300MHz Frequency and 1 Pixel per clock cycle
Pipelines Utilization Estimate
Gaussian_Otsu 12 71 11703 13633 0
Preprocess 7 9 4123 5244 0
Custom CCA 10 10 12642 13756 0

Performance Estimate

The following table summarizes the performance estimates in different configurations, generated using Vitis HLS 2022.2 tool for the xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e, to process a FHD image.

Table 241 Table: GTM Performance Estimate Summary

Operating Frequency


Latency Estimate
Max (ms)
Gaussian_Otsu 300 7.1
Preprocess 300 14.4
Custom CCA 300 7