- Imaging sensors that do not equip with a high bit-width on the transmission side can be compressed (compand) in a piece-wise linear (PWL) mapping to a lower bit depth.
- Through the HDR De-companding kernel, the data can be recovered to higher bit-widths and processed through further kernels of ISP by converting to 14-bit for efficient use of resources.
This ISP 24-bit pipeline includes the following 17 blocks:
- HDR Decompand
- ConvertTo
- Auto Exposure Correction(AEC)
- Black level correction
- Bad pixel correction
- Degamma
- Lens shading correction
- Gain Control
- Demosaicing
- Tone Mapping
- Auto white balance
- ISP Stats
- Colorcorrection matrix
- Gamma correction
- 3D LUT
- Color space conversion
The current design example demonstrates how to use ISP functions in a pipeline.
The following table describes the parameters of the pipeline which can be configured dynamically.
Parameter | Descriptions |
height | The number of rows in the image or height of the image. |
width | The number of columns in the image or width of the image. |
rgain | To configure gain value for the red channel. |
bgain | To configure gain value for the blue channel. |
R_IR_C1_wgts | 5x5 Weights to calculate R at IR location for constellation1 |
R_IR_C2_wgts | 5x5 Weights to calculate R at IR location for constellation2 |
B_at_R_wgts | 5x5 Weights to calculate B at R location |
IR_at_R_wgts | 3x3 Weights to calculate IR at R location |
IR_at_B_wgts | 3x3 Weights to calculate IR at B location |
sub_wgts | Weights to perform weighted subtraction of IR image from RGB image. sub_wgts[0] -> G Pixel, sub_wgts[1] -> R Pixel, sub_wgts[2] -> B Pixel sub_wgts[3] -> calculated B Pixel |
bayerp | Input Bayer pattern. XF_BAYER_BG, XF_BAYER_GB, XF_BAYER_GR, XF_BAYER_RG are the supported values. |
params | consists of slope and intercept values of four knee points in hdr decompand kernel for R, G, B. |
params_14bit | consists of slope and intercept values of four knee points to truncate 24bit to 14bit. |
params_degamma | consists of slope and intercept values of knee points till 64 to linearize the image. |
paec | %top and %bottom pixels are ignored while computing min and max to improve quality in AEC. |
pawb | %top and %bottom pixels are ignored while computing min and max to improve quality in AWB. |
aec_stats | Calculted histogram of the AEC input image. |
awb_stats | Calculted histogram of the AWB input image. |
aec_max_bins | List of maximum values per range of bins. This is only applicable if merge bins feature is enabled. |
awb_max_bins | List of maximum values per range of bins. This is only applicable if merge bins feature is enabled. |
roi_tlx | Top left x coordinate of ROI |
roi_tly | Top left y coordinate of ROI |
roi_brx | Bottom right x coordinate of ROI |
roi_bry | Bottom right y coordinate of ROI |
zone_col_num | Number of zones across column. |
zone_row_num | Number of zones across rows. |
blk_height | Actual block height |
blk_width | Actual block width |
c1 | To retain the details in bright area using, c1 in the tone mapping. |
c2 | Efficiency factor, ranges from 0.5 to 1 based on output device dynamic range. |
gamma_lut | Lookup table for gamma values.first 256 will be R, next 256 values are G gamma and last 256 values are B values |
lutDim | Dimension of input lut |
The following table describes the template parameters which can be configured.
Parameter | Description |
XF_HEIGHT | Maximum height of input and output image |
XF_WIDTH | Maximum width of input and output image (Must be multiple of NPC) |
XF_INP_T | Input pixel type,Supported pixel widths are 8,10,12,16 |
XF_BAYER_PATTERN | The Bayer format of the RAW input image. Supported formats are BGGR, GRBG and GBRG. |
BLACK_LEVEL | black level value. |
DEGAMMA_KP | Number of knee points in degamma. |
MAX_ZONES | Maximum number of possible zones. |
STATS_SIZE | Number of bins per channel for the input image. This is equal to the number of output bins if merge bins feature is disabled. |
FINAL_BINS_NUM | Number of output bins per channel if merge bins feature is enabled. |
MERGE_BINS | To disable or enable merge bins feature. |
SQLUTDIM | Squared value of maximum dimension of input LUT |
LUTDIM | 33x33 dimension of input LUT |
The following example demonstrates the ISP pipeline with the above list of functions.
void ISPpipeline(ap_uint<INPUT_PTR_WIDTH>* img_inp,
ap_uint<OUTPUT_PTR_WIDTH>* img_out,
ap_uint<OUTPUT_PTR_WIDTH>* img_out_ir,
unsigned short height,
unsigned short width,
int params[3][4][3],
ap_ufixed<48, 24> params_14bit[3][4][3],
char R_IR_C1_wgts[25],
char R_IR_C2_wgts[25],
char B_at_R_wgts[25],
char IR_at_R_wgts[9],
char IR_at_B_wgts[9],
char sub_wgts[4],
unsigned short bayerp,
uint16_t rgain,
uint16_t bgain,
ap_ufixed<32, 16> params_degamma[3][DEGAMMA_KP][3],
uint32_t aec_hist0[HIST_SIZE_AEC], /* function_aec */
uint32_t aec_hist1[HIST_SIZE_AEC], /* function_aec */
uint32_t awb_hist0[3][HIST_SIZE_AWB], /* function_awb */
uint32_t awb_hist1[3][HIST_SIZE_AWB], /* function_awb */
int gain0[3], /* function_awb */
int gain1[3], /* function_awb */
uint16_t paec,
uint16_t pawb,
unsigned int* aec_stats,
unsigned int* awb_stats,
ap_uint<13>* aec_max_bins,
ap_uint<13>* awb_max_bins,
int roi_tlx,
int roi_tly,
int roi_brx,
int roi_bry,
int zone_col_num, // N
int zone_row_num, // M
unsigned char gamma_lut[256 * 3],
XF_CTUNAME(XF_SRC_T, XF_NPPC) omin_r[MinMaxVArrSize][MinMaxHArrSize], /* LTM */
XF_CTUNAME(XF_SRC_T, XF_NPPC) omax_r[MinMaxVArrSize][MinMaxHArrSize], /* LTM */
XF_CTUNAME(XF_SRC_T, XF_NPPC) omin_w[MinMaxVArrSize][MinMaxHArrSize], /* LTM */
XF_CTUNAME(XF_SRC_T, XF_NPPC) omax_w[MinMaxVArrSize][MinMaxHArrSize], /* LTM */
int blk_height, /* LTM */
int blk_width, /* LTM */
ap_ufixed<16, 4>& mean1, /* gtm */
ap_ufixed<16, 4>& mean2, /* gtm */
ap_ufixed<16, 4>& L_max1, /* gtm */
ap_ufixed<16, 4>& L_max2, /* gtm */
ap_ufixed<16, 4>& L_min1, /* gtm */
ap_ufixed<16, 4>& L_min2, /* gtm */
float c1, /* gtm */
float c2, /* gtm */
ap_uint<LUT_PTR_WIDTH>* lut,
int lutDim) {
xf::cv::Mat<XF_INP_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_imgInput> imgInput1(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_HDR_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_hdr_out> hdr_out(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_hdr_out> img_14bit(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_rggb_out> rggb_out(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_aecin> aec_in1(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_aecin> aec_in2(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_aec_out> aec_out(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_bpc_out> bpc_out(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_blc_out> blc_out(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_dgamma_out> dgamma_out(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_lsc_out> LscOut(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_gain_out> gain_out(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_DST_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_demosaic_out> demosaic_out(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_GTM_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_ltm_out> ltm_out(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_GTM_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_awb_out> awb_out(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_GTM_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_awbin> awb_in1(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_GTM_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_awbin> awb_in2(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_GTM_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_dst> gamma_out(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_GTM_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_ccm> ccm_out(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_GTM_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_lut_out> lut_out(height, width);
// clang-format off
// clang-format on
float awb_thresh = (float)pawb / 256;
float aec_thresh = (float)paec / 256;
float inputMax = (1 << (XF_DTPIXELDEPTH(XF_SRC_T, XF_NPPC))) - 1; // 65535.0f;
float mul_fact = (inputMax / (inputMax - BLACK_LEVEL));
unsigned int blc_config_1 = (int)(mul_fact * 65536); // mul_fact int Q16_16 format
unsigned int blc_config_2 = BLACK_LEVEL;
float inputmin = 0.0f;
float inputmax1 = 255.0f;
float outputmin = 0.0f;
float outputmax1 = 255.0f;
float inputmax2 = 16383.0f;
float outputmax2 = 16383.0f;
int outdepth = (1 << XF_DTPIXELDEPTH(XF_GTM_T, XF_NPPC));
xf::cv::Array2xfMat<INPUT_PTR_WIDTH, XF_INP_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_imgInput>(img_inp,
xf::cv::hdr_decompand<XF_INP_T, XF_HDR_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_imgInput, XF_CV_DEPTH_hdr_out>(
imgInput1, hdr_out, params, bayerp);
xf::cv::convert24To14bit<XF_HDR_T, XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_hdr_out,
XF_CV_DEPTH_hdr_out>(hdr_out, img_14bit, params_14bit, bayerp);
function_rgbir_or_fifo<XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_hdr_out, XF_CV_DEPTH_rggb_out,
XF_CV_DEPTH_rggb_out_ir, XF_CV_DEPTH_3XWIDTH>(img_14bit, rggb_out, img_out_ir, R_IR_C1_wgts,
R_IR_C2_wgts, B_at_R_wgts, IR_at_R_wgts,
IR_at_B_wgts, sub_wgts, height, width);
function_aec<XF_SRC_T, XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_aecin, XF_CV_DEPTH_aec_out>(
rggb_out, aec_out, height, width, aec_thresh, aec_hist0, aec_hist1);
xf::cv::blackLevelCorrection<XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, 16, 15, 1, XF_CV_DEPTH_aec_out,
XF_CV_DEPTH_blc_out>(aec_out, blc_out, blc_config_2, blc_config_1);
xf::cv::badpixelcorrection<XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, 0, 0, XF_CV_DEPTH_blc_out, XF_CV_DEPTH_bpc_out>(
blc_out, bpc_out);
function_degamma<XF_SRC_T, XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_bpc_out, XF_CV_DEPTH_dgamma_out,
DEGAMMA_KP>(bpc_out, dgamma_out, params_degamma, bayerp, height, width);
xf::cv::Lscdistancebased<XF_SRC_T, XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_dgamma_out,
XF_CV_DEPTH_lsc_out>(dgamma_out, LscOut);
XF_CV_DEPTH_gain_out>(LscOut, gain_out, rgain, bgain);
xf::cv::demosaicing<XF_BAYER_PATTERN, XF_SRC_T, XF_DST_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, 0, XF_CV_DEPTH_gain_out,
XF_CV_DEPTH_demosaic_out>(gain_out, demosaic_out);
if (XF_DST_T == XF_8UC3) {
fifo_copy<XF_DST_T, XF_GTM_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_demosaic_out, XF_CV_DEPTH_ltm_out>(
demosaic_out, ltm_out, height, width);
} else {
function_tm<XF_DST_T, XF_GTM_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_demosaic_out, XF_CV_DEPTH_ltm_out>(
demosaic_out, ltm_out, omin_r, omax_r, omin_w, omax_w, blk_height, blk_width, mean1, mean2, L_max1, L_max2,
L_min1, L_min2, c1, c2, height, width);
xf::cv::duplicateMat<XF_GTM_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_ltm_out, XF_CV_DEPTH_awbin,
XF_CV_DEPTH_awbin>(ltm_out, awb_in1, awb_in2);
function_awb<XF_GTM_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_awbin, XF_CV_DEPTH_awb_out>(
awb_in1, awb_out, awb_hist0, awb_hist1, gain0, gain1, height, width, awb_thresh);
XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_awbin>(awb_in2, awb_stats, awb_max_bins, roi_tlx, roi_tly, roi_brx, roi_bry,
zone_col_num, zone_row_num, inputmin, inputmax1, outputmin,
xf::cv::colorcorrectionmatrix<XF_CCM_TYPE, XF_GTM_T, XF_GTM_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_awb_out,
XF_CV_DEPTH_ccm>(awb_out, ccm_out);
xf::cv::gammacorrection<XF_GTM_T, XF_GTM_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_ccm, XF_CV_DEPTH_dst>(
ccm_out, gamma_out, gamma_lut);
function_3dlut_fifo<XF_GTM_T, XF_GTM_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_dst, XF_CV_DEPTH_lut_out,
XF_CV_DEPTH_3dlut>(gamma_out, lut_out, lut, lutDim, height, width);
function_csc_or_mat_array<XF_GTM_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_lut_out>(lut_out, img_out, height,
The ISP 24bit Pipeline design is validated on zcu102 board at 150 MHz frequency.
Operating Mode | Operating Frequency (MHz) |
Utilization Estimate | ||||
LUT | FF | BRAM_18k | DSP | URAM | ||
1 Pixel | 150 | 35734 | 38747 | 60 | 275 | 0 |
Operating Mode | Operating Frequency (MHz) |
Latency Estimate |
Max (ms) | ||
1 pixel | 150 | 15.1ms |