The ISP multistream pipeline allows you to process input from multiple streams using one instance of ISP. Current multistream pipeline processes four streams in a round-robin method with input TYPE XF_16UC1 and output TYPE XF_8UC3(RGB). After the color conversion from the RGB to the YUV colorspace, the output TYPE is XF_16UC1(YUYV).
This ISP pipeline includes 19 modules, they are as follows:
- Extract Exposure Frames: The Extract Exposure Frames module returns the Short Exposure Frame and Long Exposure Frame from the input frame using the Digital overlap parameter.
- HDR Merge: The HDR Merge module generates the HDR image from a set of different exposure frames. Usually, image sensors have limited dynamic range and it is difficult to get HDR image with single image capture. From the sensor, the frames are collected with different exposure times and will get different exposure frames. HDR Merge will generate the HDR frame with those exposure frames.
- HDR Decompand: This module decompands or decompresses a piecewise linear (PWL) companded data. Companding is performed in image sensors not capable of high bitwidth during data transmission. This decompanding module supports Bayer raw data with four knee point PWL mapping and equations are provided for 12-bit to 16-bit conversion.
- RGBIR to Bayer (RGBIR): This module converts the input image with R, G, B, IR pixel data into a standard Bayer pattern image along with a full IR data image.
- Auto Exposure Compensation (AEC): This module automatically attempts to correct the exposure level of captured image and also improves contrast of the image.
- Black Level Correction (BLC): This module corrects the black and white levels of the overall image. Black level leads to the whitening of image in dark regions and perceived loss of overall contrast.
- Bad Pixel Correction (BPC): This module removes defective/bad pixels from an image sensor resulting from of manufacturing faults or variations in pixel voltage levels based on temperature or exposure.
- Degamma: This module linearizes the input from sensor in order to facilitate ISP processing that operates on linear domain.
- Lens Shading Correction (LSC): This module corrects the darkening toward the edge of the image caused by camera lens limitations. This darkening effect is also known as vignetting.
- Gain Control: This module improves the overall brightness of the image.
- Demosaicing: This module reconstructs RGB pixels from the input Bayer image (RGGB, BGGR, RGBG, GRGB).
- Auto White Balance (AWB): This module improves color balance of the image by using image statistics.
- Color Correction Matrix (CCM): This module converts the input image color format to output image color format using the Color Correction Matrix provided by the user (CCM_TYPE).
- Quantization & Dithering (QnD): This module is a tone-mapper that dithers input image using Floyd-Steinberg dithering method. It is commonly used by image manipulation software, for example when an image is converted into GIF format each pixel intensity value is quantized to 8 bits i.e. 256 colors.
- Global Tone Mapping (GTM): This module is a tone-mapper that reduces the dynamic range from higher range to display range using tone mapping.
- Local Tone Mapping (LTM): This module is a tone-mapper that takes pixel neighbor statistics into account and produces images with more contrast and brightness.
- Gamma Correction: This module improve the overall brightness of the image.
- 3DLUT: The 3D LUT module operates on three independent parameters. This drastically increases the number of mapped indexes to value pairs. For example, a combination of 3 individual 1D LUTs can map 2^n * 3 values where n is the bit depth, whereas a 3D LUT processing 3 channels will have 2^n * 2^n * 2^n possible values.
- Color Space Conversion (CSC): The CSS module converts RGB image to YUV422(YUYV) image for HDMI display purpose. RGB2YUYV converts the RGB image into Y channel for every pixel and U and V for alternating pixels.
ISP multistream Diagram
Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Description |
dcp_params_16to12 | Params to converts the 16bit input image bit depth to 12bit. |
dcp_params_12to16 | Params to converts the 12bit input image bit depth to 16bit. |
R_IR_C1_wgts | 5x5 Weights to calculate R at IR location for constellation1. |
R_IR_C2_wgts | 5x5 Weights to calculate R at IR location for constellation2. |
B_at_R_wgts | 5x5 Weights to calculate B at R location. |
IR_at_R_wgts | 3x3 Weights to calculate IR at R location. |
IR_at_B_wgts | 3x3 Weights to calculate IR at B location. |
sub_wgts | Weights to perform weighted subtraction of IR image from RGB image. sub_wgts[0] -> G Pixel, sub_wgts[1] -> R Pixel, sub_wgts[2] -> B Pixel sub_wgts[3] -> calculated B Pixel |
wr_hls | Lookup table for weight values. Computing the weights LUT in host side and passing as input to the function. |
array_params | Parameters added in one array for multistream pipeline. |
gamma_lut | Lookup table for gamma values. First 256 will be R, next 256 values are G and last 256 values are B. |
dgam_params | Array containing upper limit, slope, and intercept of linear equations for Red, Green, and Blue colour. |
c1 | To retain the details in bright area using, c1 in the tone mapping. |
c2 | Efficiency factor, ranges from 0.5 to 1 based on output device dynamic range. |
Parameter | Description | |
XF_HEIGHT | Maximum height of input and output image. | |
XF_WIDTH | Maximum width of input and output image. | |
XF_SRC_T | Input pixel type. Supported pixel width is 16. | |
NUM_STREAMS | Total number of streams. | |
STRM1_ROWS | Maximum number of rows to be processed for stream 1 in one burst. | |
STRM2_ROWS | Maximum number of rows to be processed for stream 2 in one burst. | |
STRM3_ROWS | Maximum number of rows to be processed for stream 3 in one burst. | |
STRM4_ROWS | Maximum number of rows to be processed for stream 4 in one burst. | |
NUM_SLICES | Number of slices processing in each stream. | |
BLOCK_WIDTH | Maximum block width the image is divided into. This can be any positive integer greater than or equal to 32 and less than input image width. | |
BLOCK_HEIGHT | Maximum block height the image is divided into. This can be any positive integer greater than or equal to 32 and less than input image height. | |
XF_NPPC | Number of pixels processed per cycle. | |
NO_EXPS | Number of exposure frames to be merged in the module. | |
W_B_SIZE | W_B_SIZE is used to define the array size for storing the weight values for wr_hls. W_B_SIZE should be 2^bit depth. | |
FILTERSIZE1 | Filter size for RGB pixels. | |
FILTERSIZE2 | Filter size for IR pixels. | |
DGAMMA_KP | Configurable number of knee points in degamma. | |
SQLUTDIM | Squared value of maximum dimension of input LUT. | |
LUTDIM | 33x33 dimension of input LUT. |
Parameter | Description |
rgain | To configure gain value for the red channel. |
bgain | To configure gain value for the blue channel. |
ggain | To configure gain value for the green channel. |
pawb | %top and %bottom pixels are ignored while computing min and max to improve quality. |
bayer_p | The Bayer format of the RAW input image. |
black_level | Black level value to adjust overall brightness of the image. |
height | The number of rows in the image or height of the image. |
width | The number of columns in the image or width of the image. |
blk_height | Actual block height. |
blk_width | Actual block width. |
lut_dim | Dimension of input LUT. |
Parameter | Description |
USE_HDR_FUSION | Flag to enable or disable HDR fusion module. |
USE_GTM | Flag to enable or disable GTM module. |
USE_LTM | Flag to enable or disable LTM module. |
USE_QND | Flag to enable or disable QND module. |
USE_RGBIR | Flag to enable or disable RGBIR module. |
USE_3DLUT | Flag to enable or disable 3DLUT module. |
USE_DEGAMMA | Flag to enable or disable Degamma module. |
USE_AEC | Flag to enable or disable AEC module. |
The following example demonstrates the top-level ISP pipeline:
ISPPipeline_accel(ap_uint<INPUT_PTR_WIDTH>* img_inp1,
ap_uint<INPUT_PTR_WIDTH>* img_inp2,
ap_uint<INPUT_PTR_WIDTH>* img_inp3,
ap_uint<INPUT_PTR_WIDTH>* img_inp4,
ap_uint<OUTPUT_PTR_WIDTH>* img_out1,
ap_uint<OUTPUT_PTR_WIDTH>* img_out2,
ap_uint<OUTPUT_PTR_WIDTH>* img_out3,
ap_uint<OUTPUT_PTR_WIDTH>* img_out4,
ap_uint<OUTPUT_PTR_WIDTH>* img_out_ir1,
ap_uint<OUTPUT_PTR_WIDTH>* img_out_ir2,
ap_uint<OUTPUT_PTR_WIDTH>* img_out_ir3,
ap_uint<OUTPUT_PTR_WIDTH>* img_out_ir4,
short wr_hls[NUM_STREAMS][NO_EXPS * XF_NPPC * W_B_SIZE],
int dcp_params_12to16[NUM_STREAMS][3][4][3],
char R_IR_C1_wgts[NUM_STREAMS][25],
char R_IR_C2_wgts[NUM_STREAMS][25],
char B_at_R_wgts[NUM_STREAMS][25],
char IR_at_R_wgts[NUM_STREAMS][9],
char IR_at_B_wgts[NUM_STREAMS][9],
char sub_wgts[NUM_STREAMS][4],
ap_ufixed<32, 18> dgam_params[NUM_STREAMS][3][DGAMMA_KP][3],
float c1[NUM_STREAMS],
float c2[NUM_STREAMS],
unsigned short array_params[NUM_STREAMS][11],
unsigned char gamma_lut[NUM_STREAMS][256 * 3],
ap_uint<LUT_PTR_WIDTH>* lut1,
ap_uint<LUT_PTR_WIDTH>* lut2,
ap_uint<LUT_PTR_WIDTH>* lut3,
ap_uint<LUT_PTR_WIDTH>* lut4) {
// clang-format off
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=img_inp1 offset=slave bundle=gmem1
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=img_inp2 offset=slave bundle=gmem2
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=img_inp3 offset=slave bundle=gmem3
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=img_inp4 offset=slave bundle=gmem4
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=img_out1 offset=slave bundle=gmem5
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=img_out2 offset=slave bundle=gmem6
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=img_out3 offset=slave bundle=gmem7
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=img_out4 offset=slave bundle=gmem8
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=img_out_ir1 offset=slave bundle=gmem9
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=img_out_ir2 offset=slave bundle=gmem10
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=img_out_ir3 offset=slave bundle=gmem11
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=img_out_ir4 offset=slave bundle=gmem12
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=wr_hls offset=slave bundle=gmem13
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=dcp_params_12to16 offset=slave bundle=gmem14
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=R_IR_C1_wgts offset=slave bundle=gmem15
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=R_IR_C2_wgts offset=slave bundle=gmem16
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=B_at_R_wgts offset=slave bundle=gmem17
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=IR_at_R_wgts offset=slave bundle=gmem18
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=IR_at_B_wgts offset=slave bundle=gmem19
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=sub_wgts offset=slave bundle=gmem20
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=dgam_params offset=slave bundle=gmem21
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=c1 offset=slave bundle=gmem22
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=c2 offset=slave bundle=gmem23
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=array_params offset=slave bundle=gmem24
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=gamma_lut offset=slave bundle=gmem25
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=lut1 offset=slave bundle=gmem26
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=lut2 offset=slave bundle=gmem27
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=lut3 offset=slave bundle=gmem28
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=lut4 offset=slave bundle=gmem29
// clang-format on
struct ispparams_config params[NUM_STREAMS];
uint32_t tot_rows = 0;
int rem_rows[NUM_STREAMS];
static short wr_hls_tmp[NUM_STREAMS][NO_EXPS * XF_NPPC * W_B_SIZE];
static unsigned char gamma_lut_tmp[NUM_STREAMS][256 * 3];
static float c1_tmp[NUM_STREAMS], c2_tmp[NUM_STREAMS];
static ap_ufixed<32, 18> dgam_params_tmp[NUM_STREAMS][3][DGAMMA_KP][3];
static int dcp_params_12to16_tmp[NUM_STREAMS][3][4][3];
static char R_IR_C1_wgts_tmp[NUM_STREAMS][25], R_IR_C2_wgts_tmp[NUM_STREAMS][25],
B_at_R_wgts_tmp[NUM_STREAMS][25], IR_at_R_wgts_tmp[NUM_STREAMS][9],
IR_at_B_wgts_tmp[NUM_STREAMS][9], sub_wgts_tmp[NUM_STREAMS][4];
unsigned short height_arr[NUM_STREAMS], width_arr[NUM_STREAMS];
constexpr int dg_parms_c1 = 3;
constexpr int dg_parms_c2 = 3;
constexpr int dcp_parms1 = 3;
constexpr int dcp_parms2 = 4;
constexpr int dcp_parms3 = 3;
for (int n = 0; n < NUM_STREAMS; n++) {
// clang-format off
// clang-format on
for (int i = 0; i < dg_parms_c1; i++) {
// clang-format off
#pragma HLS LOOP_TRIPCOUNT min=dg_parms_c1 max=dg_parms_c1
// clang-format on
for(int j=0; j<DGAMMA_KP; j++){
// clang-format off
// clang-format on
for(int k=0; k<dg_parms_c2; k++){
// clang-format off
#pragma HLS LOOP_TRIPCOUNT min=dg_parms_c2 max=dg_parms_c2
// clang-format on
dgam_params_tmp[n][i][j][k] = dgam_params[n][i][j][k];
for(int n=0; n<NUM_STREAMS; n++){
// clang-format off
// clang-format on
for (int i = 0; i < dcp_parms1; i++) {
// clang-format off
#pragma HLS LOOP_TRIPCOUNT min=dcp_parms1 max=dcp_parms1
// clang-format on
for(int j=0; j<dcp_parms2; j++){
// clang-format off
#pragma HLS LOOP_TRIPCOUNT min=dcp_parms2 max=dcp_parms2
// clang-format on
for(int k=0; k<dcp_parms3; k++){
// clang-format off
#pragma HLS LOOP_TRIPCOUNT min=dcp_parms3 max=dcp_parms3
// clang-format on
dcp_params_12to16_tmp[n][i][j][k] = dcp_params_12to16[n][i][j][k];
for(int i=0; i < NUM_STREAMS; i++){
// clang-format off
// clang-format on
constexpr int R_B_count=25, IR_count=9, sub_count=4;
for(int n=0; n < NUM_STREAMS; n++){
// clang-format off
// clang-format on
for (int i = 0; i < R_B_count; i++) {
// clang-format off
#pragma HLS LOOP_TRIPCOUNT min=R_B_count max=R_B_count
// clang-format on
R_IR_C1_wgts_tmp[n][i] = R_IR_C1_wgts[n][i];
R_IR_C2_wgts_tmp[n][i] = R_IR_C2_wgts[n][i];
B_at_R_wgts_tmp[n][i] = B_at_R_wgts[n][i];
for(int n=0; n < NUM_STREAMS; n++){
// clang-format off
// clang-format on
for (int i = 0; i < IR_count; i++) {
// clang-format off
#pragma HLS LOOP_TRIPCOUNT min=IR_count max=IR_count
// clang-format on
IR_at_R_wgts_tmp[n][i] = IR_at_R_wgts[n][i];
IR_at_B_wgts_tmp[n][i] = IR_at_B_wgts[n][i];
for(int n=0; n < NUM_STREAMS; n++){
// clang-format off
// clang-format on
for (int i = 0; i < sub_count; i++) {
// clang-format off
#pragma HLS LOOP_TRIPCOUNT min=sub_count max=sub_count
// clang-format on
sub_wgts_tmp[n][i] = sub_wgts[n][i];
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STREAMS; i++) {
// clang-format off
// clang-format on
height_arr[i] = array_params[i][6];
width_arr[i] = array_params[i][7];
height_arr[i] = height_arr[i] * RD_MULT;
tot_rows = tot_rows + height_arr[i];
rem_rows[i] = height_arr[i];
constexpr int glut_TC = 256 * 3;
for (int n = 0; n < NUM_STREAMS; n++) {
// clang-format off
// clang-format on
for(int i=0; i < glut_TC; i++){
// clang-format off
#pragma HLS LOOP_TRIPCOUNT min=glut_TC max=glut_TC
// clang-format on
gamma_lut_tmp[n][i] = gamma_lut[n][i];
for(int n =0; n < NUM_STREAMS; n++) {
// clang-format off
// clang-format on
for (int k = 0; k < XF_NPPC; k++) {
// clang-format off
// clang-format on
for (int i = 0; i < NO_EXPS; i++) {
// clang-format off
// clang-format on
for (int j = 0; j < (W_B_SIZE); j++) {
// clang-format off
// clang-format on
wr_hls_tmp[n][(i + k * NO_EXPS) * W_B_SIZE + j] = wr_hls[n][(i + k * NO_EXPS) * W_B_SIZE + j];
uint16_t max = STRM1_ROWS;
for (int i = 1; i < NUM_STREAMS; i++) {
if (pt[i] > max) max = pt[i];
const uint16_t TC = tot_rows / max;
uint32_t addrbound, wr_addrbound, num_rows;
int strm_id = 0, stream_idx = 0, slice_idx = 0;
bool eof_awb[NUM_STREAMS] = {0};
bool eof_tm[NUM_STREAMS] = {0};
bool eof_aec[NUM_STREAMS] = {0};
uint32_t rd_offset1 = 0, rd_offset2 = 0, rd_offset3 = 0, rd_offset4 = 0;
uint32_t wr_offset1 = 0, wr_offset2 = 0, wr_offset3 = 0, wr_offset4 = 0;
for (int r = 0; r < tot_rows;) {
// clang-format off
// clang-format on
// Compute no.of rows to process
if (rem_rows[stream_idx] / RD_MULT > pt[stream_idx]) { // Check number for remaining rows of 1 interleaved image
num_rows = pt[stream_idx];
eof_awb[stream_idx] = 0; // 1 interleaved image/stream is not done
eof_tm[stream_idx] = 0;
eof_aec[stream_idx] = 0;
} else {
num_rows = rem_rows[stream_idx] / RD_MULT;
eof_awb[stream_idx] = 1; // 1 interleaved image/stream done
eof_tm[stream_idx] = 1;
eof_aec[stream_idx] = 1;
strm_id = stream_idx;
if (stream_idx == 0 && num_rows > 0) {
Streampipeline(img_inp1 + rd_offset1, img_out1 + wr_offset1, img_out_ir1 + wr_offset1, lut1, num_rows,
height_arr[stream_idx], width_arr[stream_idx], STRM1_ROWS, dgam_params_tmp, hist0_awb,
hist1_awb, igain_0, igain_1, flag_awb, eof_awb, array_params, gamma_lut_tmp, wr_hls_tmp,
R_IR_C1_wgts_tmp, R_IR_C2_wgts_tmp, B_at_R_wgts_tmp, IR_at_R_wgts_tmp, IR_at_B_wgts_tmp,
sub_wgts_tmp, dcp_params_12to16_tmp, hist0_aec, hist1_aec, flag_aec, eof_aec, omin_r, omax_r,
omin_w, omax_w, mean1, mean2, L_max1, L_max2, L_min1, L_min2, c1_tmp, c2_tmp, flag_tm,
eof_tm, stream_idx, slice_idx);
rd_offset1 += (RD_MULT * num_rows * ((width_arr[stream_idx] + RD_ADD) >> XF_BITSHIFT(XF_NPPC))) / 4;
wr_offset1 += (num_rows * (width_arr[stream_idx] >> XF_BITSHIFT(XF_NPPC))) / 4;
} else if (stream_idx == 1 && num_rows > 0) {
Streampipeline(img_inp2 + rd_offset2, img_out2 + wr_offset2, img_out_ir2 + wr_offset2, lut2, num_rows,
height_arr[stream_idx], width_arr[stream_idx], STRM2_ROWS, dgam_params_tmp, hist0_awb,
hist1_awb, igain_0, igain_1, flag_awb, eof_awb, array_params, gamma_lut_tmp, wr_hls_tmp,
R_IR_C1_wgts_tmp, R_IR_C2_wgts_tmp, B_at_R_wgts_tmp, IR_at_R_wgts_tmp, IR_at_B_wgts_tmp,
sub_wgts_tmp, dcp_params_12to16_tmp, hist0_aec, hist1_aec, flag_aec, eof_aec, omin_r, omax_r,
omin_w, omax_w, mean1, mean2, L_max1, L_max2, L_min1, L_min2, c1_tmp, c2_tmp, flag_tm,
eof_tm, stream_idx, slice_idx);
rd_offset2 += (RD_MULT * num_rows * ((width_arr[stream_idx] + RD_ADD) >> XF_BITSHIFT(XF_NPPC))) / 4;
wr_offset2 += (num_rows * (width_arr[stream_idx] >> XF_BITSHIFT(XF_NPPC))) / 4;
} else if (stream_idx == 2 && num_rows > 0) {
Streampipeline(img_inp3 + rd_offset3, img_out3 + wr_offset3, img_out_ir3 + wr_offset3, lut3, num_rows,
height_arr[stream_idx], width_arr[stream_idx], STRM3_ROWS, dgam_params_tmp, hist0_awb,
hist1_awb, igain_0, igain_1, flag_awb, eof_awb, array_params, gamma_lut_tmp, wr_hls_tmp,
R_IR_C1_wgts_tmp, R_IR_C2_wgts_tmp, B_at_R_wgts_tmp, IR_at_R_wgts_tmp, IR_at_B_wgts_tmp,
sub_wgts_tmp, dcp_params_12to16_tmp, hist0_aec, hist1_aec, flag_aec, eof_aec, omin_r, omax_r,
omin_w, omax_w, mean1, mean2, L_max1, L_max2, L_min1, L_min2, c1_tmp, c2_tmp, flag_tm,
eof_tm, stream_idx, slice_idx);
rd_offset3 += (RD_MULT * num_rows * ((width_arr[stream_idx] + RD_ADD) >> XF_BITSHIFT(XF_NPPC))) / 4;
wr_offset3 += (num_rows * (width_arr[stream_idx] >> XF_BITSHIFT(XF_NPPC))) / 4;
} else if (stream_idx == 3 && num_rows > 0) {
Streampipeline(img_inp4 + rd_offset4, img_out4 + wr_offset4, img_out_ir4 + wr_offset4, lut4, num_rows,
height_arr[stream_idx], width_arr[stream_idx], STRM4_ROWS, dgam_params_tmp, hist0_awb,
hist1_awb, igain_0, igain_1, flag_awb, eof_awb, array_params, gamma_lut_tmp, wr_hls_tmp,
R_IR_C1_wgts_tmp, R_IR_C2_wgts_tmp, B_at_R_wgts_tmp, IR_at_R_wgts_tmp, IR_at_B_wgts_tmp,
sub_wgts_tmp, dcp_params_12to16_tmp, hist0_aec, hist1_aec, flag_aec, eof_aec, omin_r, omax_r,
omin_w, omax_w, mean1, mean2, L_max1, L_max2, L_min1, L_min2, c1_tmp, c2_tmp, flag_tm,
eof_tm, stream_idx, slice_idx);
rd_offset4 += (RD_MULT * num_rows * ((width_arr[stream_idx] + RD_ADD) >> XF_BITSHIFT(XF_NPPC))) / 4;
wr_offset4 += (num_rows * (width_arr[stream_idx] >> XF_BITSHIFT(XF_NPPC))) / 4;
// Update remaining rows to process
rem_rows[stream_idx] = rem_rows[stream_idx] - num_rows * RD_MULT;
// Next stream selection
if (stream_idx == NUM_STREAMS - 1) {
stream_idx = 0;
} else {
// Update total rows to process
r += num_rows * RD_MULT;
Create and Launch Kernel in the Testbench:
The histogram needs two frames to populate the histogram and to get correct results in the auto exposure frame. Auto white balance, GTM and other tone-mapping functions need one extra frame in each to populate its parameters and apply those parameters to get a correct image. For the specific example below, four iterations are needed because the AEC, AWB, and LTM modulea are selected.
// Create a kernel:
OCL_CHECK(err, cl::Kernel kernel(program, "ISPPipeline_accel", &err));
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
OCL_CHECK(err, q.enqueueWriteBuffer(buffer_inVec_Weights, // buffer on the FPGA
CL_TRUE, // blocking call
0, // buffer offset in bytes
vec_weight_size_bytes, // Size in bytes
OCL_CHECK(err, q.enqueueWriteBuffer(buffer_decompand_params, // buffer on the FPGA
CL_TRUE, // blocking call
0, // buffer offset in bytes
dcp_params_in_size_bytes, // Size in bytes
OCL_CHECK(err, q.enqueueWriteBuffer(buffer_R_IR_C1, // buffer on the FPGA
CL_TRUE, // blocking call
0, // buffer offset in bytes
filter1_in_size_bytes, // Size in bytes
OCL_CHECK(err, q.enqueueWriteBuffer(buffer_R_IR_C2, // buffer on the FPGA
CL_TRUE, // blocking call
0, // buffer offset in bytes
filter1_in_size_bytes, // Size in bytes
OCL_CHECK(err, q.enqueueWriteBuffer(buffer_B_at_R, // buffer on the FPGA
CL_TRUE, // blocking call
0, // buffer offset in bytes
filter1_in_size_bytes, // Size in bytes
OCL_CHECK(err, q.enqueueWriteBuffer(buffer_IR_at_R, // buffer on the FPGA
CL_TRUE, // blocking call
0, // buffer offset in bytes
filter2_in_size_bytes, // Size in bytes
OCL_CHECK(err, q.enqueueWriteBuffer(buffer_IR_at_B, // buffer on the FPGA
CL_TRUE, // blocking call
0, // buffer offset in bytes
filter2_in_size_bytes, // Size in bytes
OCL_CHECK(err, q.enqueueWriteBuffer(buffer_sub_wgts, // buffer on the FPGA
CL_TRUE, // blocking call
0, // buffer offset in bytes
sub_wgts_in_size_bytes, // Size in bytes
OCL_CHECK(err, q.enqueueWriteBuffer(buffer_dgam_params, // buffer on the FPGA
CL_TRUE, // blocking call
0, // buffer offset in bytes
dgam_params_in_size_bytes, // Size in bytes
OCL_CHECK(err, q.enqueueWriteBuffer(buffer_c1, // buffer on the FPGA
CL_TRUE, // blocking call
0, // buffer offset in bytes
c1_size_bytes, // Size in bytes
OCL_CHECK(err, q.enqueueWriteBuffer(buffer_c2, // buffer on the FPGA
CL_TRUE, // blocking call
0, // buffer offset in bytes
c2_size_bytes, // Size in bytes
OCL_CHECK(err, q.enqueueWriteBuffer(buffer_array, // buffer on the FPGA
CL_TRUE, // blocking call
0, // buffer offset in bytes
array_size_bytes, // Size in bytes
OCL_CHECK(err, q.enqueueWriteBuffer(buffer_inVec, // buffer on the FPGA
CL_TRUE, // blocking call
0, // buffer offset in bytes
vec_in_size_bytes, // Size in bytes
OCL_CHECK(err, q.enqueueWriteBuffer(buffer_inLut1, // buffer on the FPGA
CL_TRUE, // blocking call
0, // buffer offset in bytes
lut_in_size_bytes, // Size in bytes
casted_lut1, // Pointer to the data to copy
OCL_CHECK(err, q.enqueueWriteBuffer(buffer_inLut2, // buffer on the FPGA
CL_TRUE, // blocking call
0, // buffer offset in bytes
lut_in_size_bytes, // Size in bytes
casted_lut2, // Pointer to the data to copy
OCL_CHECK(err, q.enqueueWriteBuffer(buffer_inLut3, // buffer on the FPGA
CL_TRUE, // blocking call
0, // buffer offset in bytes
lut_in_size_bytes, // Size in bytes
casted_lut3, // Pointer to the data to copy
OCL_CHECK(err, q.enqueueWriteBuffer(buffer_inLut4, // buffer on the FPGA
CL_TRUE, // blocking call
0, // buffer offset in bytes
lut_in_size_bytes, // Size in bytes
casted_lut4, // Pointer to the data to copy
OCL_CHECK(err, q.enqueueWriteBuffer(buffer_inImage1, CL_TRUE, 0, image_in_size_bytes,;
OCL_CHECK(err, q.enqueueWriteBuffer(buffer_inImage2, CL_TRUE, 0, image_in_size_bytes,;
OCL_CHECK(err, q.enqueueWriteBuffer(buffer_inImage3, CL_TRUE, 0, image_in_size_bytes,;
OCL_CHECK(err, q.enqueueWriteBuffer(buffer_inImage4, CL_TRUE, 0, image_in_size_bytes,;
else {
OCL_CHECK(err, q.enqueueWriteBuffer(buffer_inImage1, CL_TRUE, 0, image_in_size_bytes,;
OCL_CHECK(err, q.enqueueWriteBuffer(buffer_inImage2, CL_TRUE, 0, image_in_size_bytes,;
OCL_CHECK(err, q.enqueueWriteBuffer(buffer_inImage3, CL_TRUE, 0, image_in_size_bytes,;
OCL_CHECK(err, q.enqueueWriteBuffer(buffer_inImage4, CL_TRUE, 0, image_in_size_bytes,;
// Profiling Objects
cl_ulong start = 0;
cl_ulong end = 0;
double diff_prof = 0.0f;
cl::Event event_sp;
// Launch the kernel
OCL_CHECK(err, err = q.enqueueTask(kernel, NULL, &event_sp));
clWaitForEvents(1, (const cl_event*)&event_sp);
event_sp.getProfilingInfo(CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_START, &start);
event_sp.getProfilingInfo(CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_END, &end);
diff_prof = end - start;
std::cout << (diff_prof / 1000000) << "ms" << std::endl;
// Copying Device result data to Host memory
q.enqueueReadBuffer(buffer_outImage1, CL_TRUE, 0, image_out_size_bytes,;
q.enqueueReadBuffer(buffer_outImage2, CL_TRUE, 0, image_out_size_bytes,;
q.enqueueReadBuffer(buffer_outImage3, CL_TRUE, 0, image_out_size_bytes,;
q.enqueueReadBuffer(buffer_outImage4, CL_TRUE, 0, image_out_size_bytes,;
if (USE_RGBIR) {
q.enqueueReadBuffer(buffer_IRoutImage1, CL_TRUE, 0, image_out_ir_size_bytes,;
q.enqueueReadBuffer(buffer_IRoutImage2, CL_TRUE, 0, image_out_ir_size_bytes,;
q.enqueueReadBuffer(buffer_IRoutImage3, CL_TRUE, 0, image_out_ir_size_bytes,;
q.enqueueReadBuffer(buffer_IRoutImage4, CL_TRUE, 0, image_out_ir_size_bytes,;
Resource Utilization
The following table summarizes the resource utilization of ISP multistream generated using the Vitis HLS 2024.1 tool on a ZCU102 board.
Operating Mode |
Utilization Estimate | |||
BRAM | DSP | CLB Registers | CLB LUT | ||
1 Pixel | 150 | 209.5 | 325 | 60142 | 63718 |
Performance Estimate
The following table summarizes the performance of the ISP multistream in 1-pixel mode as generated using the Vitis HLS 2024.1 tool on a ZCU102 board.
Estimated average latency is obtained by running the accel with four iterations. The input to the accel is a 12bit non-linearized full-HD (1920x1080) image.
Operating Mode | Latency Estimate |
Average latency(ms) | |
1 pixel operation (150 MHz) | 62.742 |