This Image Sensor Processing (ISP) pipeline works on a raw bayer pattern image that has IR data at some pixel loactions. It creates a fully processed RGB image and an IR image.
This ISP includes following blocks:
- RGBIR to Bayer: This module converts the input image with R,G,B,IR pixel data into a standard bayer pattern image along with a full IR data image.
- Gain Control: The Gain control module improves the overall brightness of the image.
- Demosaicing: The demosaic module reconstructs RGB pixels from the input Bayer image (RGGB,BGGR,RGBG,GRGB).
- Auto white balance: The AWB module improves color balance of the image by using image statistics.
- Quantization and Dithering: Quantization and Dithering performs the uniform quantization to also reduce higher bit depth to lower bit depths.
- Gamma correction: Gamma correction improves the overall brightness of image.
- Color space conversion: Converting RGB image to YUV422 (YUYV) image for HDMI display purpose.RGB2YUYV converts the RGB image into Y channel for every pixel and U and V for alternate pixels.
Current design example demonstrates how to use ISP functions in a pipeline.
You can dynamically configure the following parameters to the pipeline.
Parameter | Description |
rgain | To configure gain value for the red channel. |
bgain | To configure gain value for the blue channel. |
gamma_lut | Lookup table for gamma values.first 256 will be R, next 256 values are G gamma and last 256 values are B values |
mode_reg | Flag to enable/disable AWB algorithm |
pawb | %top and %bottom pixels are ignored while computing min and max to improve quality. |
height | The number of rows in the image or height of the image. |
width | The number of columns in the image or width of the image. |
R_IR_C1_Wgts | 5x5 Weights to calculate R at IR location for constellation1 |
R_IR_C2_Wgts | 5x5 Weights to calculate R at IR location for constellation2 |
B_at_R_wgts | 5x5 Weights to calculate B at R location |
IR_at_R_wgts | 3x3 Weights to calculate IR at R location |
IR_at_B_wgts | 3x3 Weights to calculate IR at B location |
sub_wgts | Weights to perform weighted subtraction of IR image from RGB image. sub_wgts[0] -> G Pixel, sub_wgts[1] -> R Pixel, sub_wgts[2] -> B Pixel sub_wgts[3] -> calculated B Pixel |
You can also use the following compile-time parameters to the pipeline.
Parameter | Description |
XF_HEIGHT | Maximum height of input and output image |
XF_WIDTH | Maximum width of input and output image (Must be a multiple of NPC) |
XF_BAYER_PATTERN | The Bayer format of the RAW input image. Supported formats are BGGR, GRBG. |
XF_SRC_T | Input pixel type;supported pixel widths are 8,10,12,16 |
extern "C" {
void ISPPipeline_accel(ap_uint<INPUT_PTR_WIDTH>* img_inp,
ap_uint<OUTPUT_PTR_WIDTH>* img_out,
ap_uint<OUTPUT_PTR_WIDTH>* ir_img_out,
int height,
int width,
uint16_t rgain,
uint16_t bgain,
char R_IR_C1_wgts[25],
char R_IR_C2_wgts[25],
char B_at_R_wgts[25],
char IR_at_R_wgts[9],
char IR_at_B_wgts[9],
char sub_wgts[4],
unsigned char gamma_lut[256 * 3],
unsigned char mode_reg,
uint16_t pawb) {
// clang-format off
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=img_inp offset=slave bundle=gmem1
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=img_out offset=slave bundle=gmem2
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=ir_img_out offset=slave bundle=gmem3
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=R_IR_C1_wgts offset=slave bundle=gmem4
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=R_IR_C2_wgts offset=slave bundle=gmem4
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=B_at_R_wgts offset=slave bundle=gmem4
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=IR_at_R_wgts offset=slave bundle=gmem4
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=IR_at_B_wgts offset=slave bundle=gmem4
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=sub_wgts offset=slave bundle=gmem5
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=gamma_lut offset=slave bundle=gmem6
// clang-format on
// clang-format off
#pragma HLS ARRAY_PARTITION variable=hist0_awb complete dim=1
#pragma HLS ARRAY_PARTITION variable=hist1_awb complete dim=1
// clang-format on
if (!flag) {
ISPpipeline(img_inp, img_out, ir_img_out, height, width, hist0_awb, hist1_awb, igain_0, igain_1, rgain, bgain,
R_IR_C1_wgts, R_IR_C2_wgts, B_at_R_wgts, IR_at_R_wgts, IR_at_B_wgts, sub_wgts, gamma_lut, mode_reg,
flag = 1;
} else {
ISPpipeline(img_inp, img_out, ir_img_out, height, width, hist1_awb, hist0_awb, igain_1, igain_0, rgain, bgain,
R_IR_C1_wgts, R_IR_C2_wgts, B_at_R_wgts, IR_at_R_wgts, IR_at_B_wgts, sub_wgts, gamma_lut, mode_reg,
flag = 0;
void ISPpipeline(ap_uint<INPUT_PTR_WIDTH>* img_inp,
ap_uint<OUTPUT_PTR_WIDTH>* img_out,
ap_uint<OUTPUT_PTR_WIDTH>* ir_img_out,
unsigned short height,
unsigned short width,
uint32_t hist0[3][HIST_SIZE],
uint32_t hist1[3][HIST_SIZE],
int gain0[3],
int gain1[3],
uint16_t rgain,
uint16_t bgain,
char R_IR_C1_wgts[25],
char R_IR_C2_wgts[25],
char B_at_R_wgts[25],
char IR_at_R_wgts[9],
char IR_at_B_wgts[9],
char sub_wgts[4],
unsigned char gamma_lut[256 * 3],
unsigned char mode_reg,
uint16_t pawb) {
// clang-format off
// clang-format on
xf::cv::Mat<XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_imgInput> imgInput(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_imgInputCopy1> imgInputCopy1(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_imgInputCopy2> imgInputCopy2(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_fullir_out> fullir_out(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_rggb_out> rggb_out(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_gain_out> gain_out(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_DST_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_demosaic_out> demosaic_out(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_DST_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_demoOut_final> demoOut_final(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_DST_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_ltm_in> ltm_in(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_LTM_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH__dst> _dst(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_LTM_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_aecin> aecin(height, width);
xf::cv::Mat<XF_16UC1, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH__imgOutput> _imgOutput(height, width);
// clang-format off
// clang-format on
const int Q_VAL = 1 << (XF_DTPIXELDEPTH(XF_SRC_T, XF_NPPC));
float thresh = (float)pawb / 256;
float inputMax = (1 << (XF_DTPIXELDEPTH(XF_SRC_T, XF_NPPC))) - 1; // 65535.0f;
float mul_fact = (inputMax / (inputMax - BLACK_LEVEL));
unsigned int blc_config_1 = (int)(mul_fact * 65536); // mul_fact int Q16_16 format
unsigned int blc_config_2 = BLACK_LEVEL;
xf::cv::Array2xfMat<INPUT_PTR_WIDTH, XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_imgInput>(img_inp, imgInput);
imgInput, R_IR_C1_wgts, R_IR_C2_wgts, B_at_R_wgts, IR_at_R_wgts, IR_at_B_wgts, sub_wgts, rggb_out, fullir_out);
xf::cv::gaincontrol<XF_BAYER_PATTERN, XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_rggb_out, XF_CV_DEPTH_gain_out>(rggb_out, gain_out, rgain, bgain);
xf::cv::demosaicing<XF_BAYER_PATTERN, XF_SRC_T, XF_DST_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_gain_out, XF_CV_DEPTH_demosaic_out>(gain_out, demosaic_out);
function_awb<XF_DST_T, XF_DST_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, 0, XF_CV_DEPTH_demosaic_out, XF_CV_DEPTH_ltm_in>(demosaic_out, ltm_in, hist0, hist1, gain0, gain1, height, width, mode_reg, thresh);
if (XF_DST_T == XF_8UC3) {
fifo_copy<XF_DST_T, XF_LTM_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_ltm_in, XF_CV_DEPTH_aecin>(ltm_in, aecin, height, width);
} else {
xf::cv::xf_QuatizationDithering<XF_DST_T, XF_LTM_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, 256, Q_VAL, XF_NPPCXF_CV_DEPTH_ltm_in, XF_CV_DEPTH_aecin>(ltm_in, aecin);
xf::cv::gammacorrection<XF_LTM_T, XF_LTM_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_aecin, XF_CV_DEPTH__dst>(aecin, _dst, gamma_lut);
xf::cv::rgb2yuyv<XF_LTM_T, XF_16UC1, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH__dst, XF_CV_DEPTH__imgOutput>(_dst, _imgOutput);
xf::cv::xfMat2Array<OUTPUT_PTR_WIDTH, XF_16UC1, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH__imgOutput>(_imgOutput, img_out);
xf::cv::xfMat2Array<OUTPUT_PTR_WIDTH, XF_SRC_T, XF_HEIGHT, XF_WIDTH, XF_NPPC, XF_CV_DEPTH_fullir_out>(fullir_out, ir_img_out);