ISP Stats - 2024.1 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2024.1 English

The ispstats function returns a histogram of the input BAYER, BGR, or GRAY image.

API Syntax

template <
    int MAX_ZONES,
    int STATS_SIZE,
    int MERGE_BINS,
    int SRC_T,
    int NUM_OUT_CH,
    int ROWS,
    int COLS,
    int NPC = 1,
void ispStats(
    xf::cv::Mat<SRC_T, ROWS, COLS, NPC, XFCVDEPTH_IN>& _src,
    uint32_t* stats,
    ap_uint<13>* max_bins_list,
    uint16_t roi_tlx,
    uint16_t roi_tly,
    uint16_t roi_brx,
    uint16_t roi_bry,
    uint16_t zone_col_num,
    uint16_t zone_row_num,
    float inputMin,
    float inputMax,
    float outputMin,
    float outputMax

Parameter Descriptions

The following table describes the template and the function parameters.

Table 622 Table: ispstats Parameter Description
Parameter Description
MAX_ZONES Maximum number of possible zones. Possible value is 64.
STATS_SIZE Number of bins per channel for the input image. This is equal to the number of output bins if merge bins feature is disabled. Possible value is 256 and 4096.
FINAL_BINS_NUM Number of output bins per channel if merge bins feature is enabled. Possible value is 4.
MERGE_BINS To disable or enable merge bins feature. Possible values are 0 and 1.
SRC_T Input pixel type. Possible values are XF_8UC3, XF_16UC3, XF_8UC1, XF_16UC1.
NUM_OUT_CH Number of output channels. Possible Values are 1 and 3.
ROWS Maximum height of input image.
COLS Maximum width of input image.
NPC Number of pixels to be processed per cycle. Possible options are XF_NPPC1 only.
XFCVDEPTH_IN Depth of Input image
_src Input image
stats Calculated histogram of the image.
max_bins_list List of maximum values per range of bins. This is only applicable if merge bins feature is enabled.
roi_tlx Top left x coordinate of ROI
roi_tly Top left y coordinate of ROI
roi_brx Bottom right x coordinate of ROI
roi_bry Bottom right y coordinate of ROI
zone_col_num Number of zones across column.
zone_row_num Number of zones across rows.
inputMin Input image range minimum value.
inputMax Input image range maximum value.
outputMin Output image range minimum value.
outputMax Output image range maximum value.

Resource Utilization

The following table summarizes the resource utilization in different configurations, generated using the Vitis HLS 2023.1 tool for the zcu102 FPGA.

Table 623 Table: ispstats Function Resource Utilization Summary
Operating Mode Operating Frequency (MHz) Input pattern MERGE BINS Utilization Estimate
BRAM_36K DSPs CLB Registers CLB LUTs
1 Pixel 150 BGR 8-bit/channel 0 44.5 13 5692 5120
1 Pixel 150 BGR 16-bit/channel 0 769 16 6559 6218
1 Pixel 150 BGR 8-bit/channel 1 44.5 13 5352 4974
1 Pixel 150 BGR 16-bit/channel 1 769 16 6158 6225

Performance Estimate

The following table summarizes the performance of the kernel in 1-pixel mode as generated using the Vitis HLS 2023.1 tool for the AMD zcu102 FPGA to process a BGR FHD (1920x1080) image.

Table 624 Table: ispstats Function Performance Estimate Summary
Operating Mode Input pattern MERGE BINS Latency Estimate
Max Latency (ms)
1 pixel operation (150 MHz) BGR 8-bit/channel 0 14.68
1 pixel operation (150 MHz) BGR 16-bit/channel 0 21.2514
1 pixel operation (150 MHz) BGR 8-bit/channel 1 14.7883
1 pixel operation (150 MHz) BGR 16-bit/channel 1 21.37