Custom CCA - 2024.1 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2024.1 English

The custom CCA function takes a binary image as input which contains a fruit on a conveyer belt (black background) and returns the total fruit pixels minus defect, total defect pixels and defect image which has the defects marked as ‘255’. This function is a custom made solution for defect detection in fruit, which ideally works with other pre-processing functions.

The custom CCA algorthm works in two-passes. The first pass includes labelling the background, foreground and defect in forward and reverse raster-scan. The second pass to perform an ‘&’ operation over the forward and reverse partial output data.

API Syntax

template <int HEIGHT, int WIDTH>
void ccaCustom(
uint8_t* in_ptr1,
uint8_t* in_ptr2,
uint8_t* tmp_out_ptr1,
uint8_t* tmp_out_ptr2,
uint8_t* out_ptr,
int& obj_pix,
int& def_pix,
int height,
int width)

Parameter Descriptions

The following table describes the template and the function parameters.

Table 492 Table accumulate Parameter Description
Parameter Description
HEIGHT Maximum height of input and output image.
WIDTH Maximum width of input and output image.
in_ptr1 Input 8-bit image pointer for forward pass, binary 8-bit image (‘0’ and ‘255’)
in_ptr1 Input 8-bit image pointer for the parallel computation of reverse pass, binary 8-bit image (‘0’ and ‘255’)
tmp_out_ptr1 8-bit pointer to store and read from the temporary buffer in DDR for the forward pass. This memory must be allocated before the kernel call.
tmp_out_ptr2 8-bit pointer to store and read from the temporary buffer in DDR for the reverse pass. This memory must be allocated before the kernel call.
out_ptr Output 8-bit image pointer for the which contains the defects image. Defect pixels are marked as ‘255’.
obj_pix output - no. of object/foreground pixels without the count of defect pixels.
def_pix output - no. of defect pixels in the object/foreground.
height Height of the input image
Width Width of the input image

Resource Utilization

The following table summarizes the resource utilization for custom CCA, generated using Vitis HLS 2021.1 tool for the xczu9eg-ffvb1156-1-i-es1, to process a FHD (1080x1920) image.

Table 493 Table customCCA Function Resource Utilization Summary
Operating Mode Operating Frequency (MHz) Utilization Estimate
1 Pixel 300 10 10 11166 7556 1757

The following table summarizes the resource utilization for custom CCA, generated using Vitis HLS 2021.1 tool for the xczu9eg-ffvb1156-1-i-es1, to process a 4K image.

Table 494 Table 16. customCCA Function Resource Utilization Summary
Operating Mode Operating Frequency (MHz) Utilization Estimate
1 Pixel 300 12 10 11199 7804 1748

Performance Estimate

The following table summarizes the performance for custom CCA, as generated using Vivado HLS 2019.1 tool for the xczu9eg-ffvb1156-1-i-es1, to process a FHD (1080x1920) image.

Table 495 Table 17. customCCA Function Performance Estimate Summary
Operating Mode Latency Estimate
Max Latency (ms)
1 pixel operation (300 MHz) 14