TVL1 Optical Flow - 2024.2 English - XD160

Vitis Libraries

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

The tvl1 function is used for Optical flow application and its formulation is based on Total Variation (TV) regularization and the robust L1 normalization in the data fidelity term. TVL1 algorithm preserves discontinuities in the flow field and increases robustness against occlusions, illumination changes, and noise.

Public member functions

    // Compute optical flow for previous two frames &
    // read current frame to create image pyramid.
    // First two calc function call will create image
    // pyramid only and flow vector won't be computed.
    // From third calc function call, it will give flow
    // vector by processing previous two frame.
    calc( cv::Mat current_frame, Mat_<Point2f> flow)

    //get tau paramter

    //get lambda paramter

    //get theta paramter

    //get nscales parameter

    //get warps parameter

    //get epsilon parameter

    //get innnerIterations parameter

    //get outerIterations parameter

    //get scaleStep parameter

    //get gamma parameter

    //get medianFiltering parameter

    //get UseInitialFlow parameter

    //set tau paramter
    setTau(double val)

    //set lambda paramter
setLambda(double val)

    //set theta paramter
setTheta(double val)

    //set nscales parameter
setScalesNumber(int val)

    //set warps parameter
setWarpingsNumber(int val)

    //set epsilon parameter
setEpsilon(double val)

    //set innnerIterations parameter
setInnerIterations(int val)

    //set outerIterations parameter
setOuterIterations(int val)

    //set scaleStep parameter
setScaleStep(double val)

    //set gamma parameter
setGamma(double val)

    //set medianFiltering parameter
setMedianFiltering(int val)

    //set UseInitialFlow parameter
setUseInitialFlow(bool val)

Static public member functions

static Ptr xf::cv::DualTVL1OpticalFlow::create( double tau = 0.25,
                                                double lambda = 0.15,
                                                double theta = 0.3,
                                                int nscales = 5,
                                                int warps = 5,
                                                double epsilon = 0.01,
                                                int innnerIterations = 30,
                                                int outerIterations = 10,
                                                double scaleStep = 0.8,
                                                double gamma = 0.0,
                                                int medianFiltering = 5,
                                                bool UseInitialFlow = false)

Parameter Descriptions

The following table describes the template and the function parameters.

Table 768 Table: TVL1 Parameters Description
Parameter Description
current_frame Grey scale input image
flow Computed flow image that has the same size as input image and type CV_32FC2.
tau Time step of the numerical scheme. Default value is 0.25
lambda Weight parameter for the data term, attachment parameter. Default value is 0.15
theta Weight parameter for (u - v)^2, tightness parameter. Default value is 0.3
nscales Number of scales used to create the pyramid of images. Default value is 5
warps Number of warpings per scale. Default value is 5
epsilon Stopping criterion threshold used in the numerical scheme, which is a trade-off between precision and running time.Default values is 0.01
innnerIterations Inner iterations (between outlier filtering) used in the numerical scheme. Default value is 30
outerIterations Outer iterations (number of inner loops) used in the numerical scheme. Default value is 10
scaleStep Step between scales (<1). Default value is 0.8
gamma coefficient for additional illumination variation term. Only gamma = 0.0 is supported
medianFiltering MedianBlur Filter size. Only filter size = 5 is supported.
UseInitialFlow Use initial flow. Supported value is false

Resource Utilization

The following table summarizes the resource utilization in different configurations, generated using the Vitis HLS 2022.1 tool for the xcu50-fsvh2104-2-e FPGA.

Table 769 Table: TVL1 Function Resource Utilization Summary
Operating Mode Operating Frequency (MHz) Utilization Estimate
2 Pixel 300 408 931 246513 220169

Performance Estimate

The following table summarizes the performance of the kernel in 2-pixel mode as generated using the Vitis HLS 2022.1 tool for the xcu50-fsvh2104-2-e FPGA to process a grayscale 384x288 image image.

Table 770 Table: TVL1 Function Performance Estimate Summary
Operating Mode Latency Estimate
Max Latency (ms)
2 pixel operation (300 MHz) 95.6