Kronecker calculates Kronecker Matrix Product of the two matrices.
These are the templates to configure the function.
TT_DATA_A | describes the data type of input A to the function. This is a typename and must be one of the following: int16, int32, cint16, cint32, float, cfloat. |
TT_DATA_B | describes the data type of input B to the function. This is a typename and must be one of the following: int16, int32, cint16, cint32, float, cfloat. |
TP_DIM_A_ROWS | describes number of rows of input Matrix A. |
TP_DIM_A_COLS | describes number of columns of input Matrix A. |
TP_DIM_B_ROWS | describes number of rows of input Matrix B. |
TP_DIM_B_COLS | describes number of columns of input Matrix B. |
TP_NUM_FRAMES | describes number of input data frames to be processed per call to the function. Each frame corresponds to a Kronecker matrix product. |
TP_API | describes whether to use streams (1) or windows (0) on output. |
TP_SHIFT | described the number of bits to downshift each sample prior to output. |
TP_SSR | describes the number of kernels to use in parallel. |
TP_RND | describes the selection of rounding to be applied during the shift down stage of processing. Although, TP_RND accepts unsigned integer values descriptive macros are recommended where:
TP_SAT | describes the selection of saturation to be applied during the shift down stage of processing. TP_SAT accepts unsigned integer values, where:
template < typename TT_DATA_A, typename TT_DATA_B, unsigned int TP_DIM_A_ROWS, unsigned int TP_DIM_A_COLS, unsigned int TP_DIM_B_ROWS, unsigned int TP_DIM_B_COLS, unsigned int TP_NUM_FRAMES, unsigned int TP_API, unsigned int TP_SHIFT, unsigned int TP_SSR = 1, unsigned int TP_RND = 0, unsigned int TP_SAT = 1 > class kronecker_graph: public graph // fields port_array <input, TP_SSR> inA port_array <input, TP_SSR> inB port_array <output, TP_SSR> out kernel m_kernels[TP_SSR]