Overview - 2024.2 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2024.2 English

Hadamard product is element-wise multiplication of two vectors of same size.

These are the templates to configure the function.



describes the type of individual data samples input to the function.

This is a typename and must be one of the following:

int16, int32, cint16, cint32, float, cfloat.


describes the type of individual data samples input to the function.

This is a typename and must be one of the following:

int16, int32, cint16, cint32, float, cfloat.

TP_DIM describes the number of samples in the vectors A and B.
TP_NUM_FRAMES describes the number of vectors to be processed in each call to this function.
TP_SHIFT describes power of 2 shift down applied to the accumulation of product terms before each output. TP_SHIFT must be in the range 0 to 59 (61 for AIE1).
TP_API described whether to use streams (1) or windows (0).
TP_SSR describes the number of kernels to use in parallel.

describes the selection of rounding to be applied during the shift down stage of processing.

Although, TP_RND accepts unsigned integer values descriptive macros are recommended where

  • rnd_floor = Truncate LSB, always round down (towards negative infinity).

  • rnd_ceil = Always round up (towards positive infinity).

  • rnd_sym_floor = Truncate LSB, always round towards 0.

  • rnd_sym_ceil = Always round up towards infinity.

  • rnd_pos_inf = Round halfway towards positive infinity.

  • rnd_neg_inf = Round halfway towards negative infinity.

  • rnd_sym_inf = Round halfway towards infinity (away from zero).

  • rnd_sym_zero = Round halfway towards zero (away from infinity).

  • rnd_conv_even = Round halfway towards nearest even number.

  • rnd_conv_odd = Round halfway towards nearest odd number.

    No rounding is performed on ceil or floor mode variants.

    Other modes round to the nearest integer. They differ only in how they round for values of 0.5.

    Note: Rounding modes rnd_sym_floor and rnd_sym_ceil are only supported on AIE-ML device.


describes the selection of saturation to be applied during the shift down stage of processing.

TP_SAT accepts unsigned integer values, where:

  • 0: none = No saturation is performed and the value is truncated on the MSB side.
  • 1: saturate = Default. Saturation rounds an n-bit signed value in the range [- ( 2^(n-1) ) : +2^(n-1) - 1 ].
  • 3: symmetric = Controls symmetric saturation. Symmetric saturation rounds an n-bit signed value in the range [- ( 2^(n-1) -1 ) : +2^(n-1) - 1 ].
template <
    typename TT_DATA_A,
    typename TT_DATA_B,
    unsigned int TP_DIM,
    unsigned int TP_NUM_FRAMES,
    unsigned int TP_SHIFT,
    unsigned int TP_API,
    unsigned int TP_SSR,
    unsigned int TP_RND = 0,
    unsigned int TP_SAT = 1
class hadamard_graph: public graph

// fields

port_array <input, TP_SSR> inA
port_array <input, TP_SSR> inB
port_array <output, TP_SSR> out
kernel m_kernels[TP_SSR]