Vitis Classic MDD file - 2024.1 English

Vitis Tutorials: Embedded Software (XD260)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.1 English

Below is the MDD file for the AXI GPIO driver. The supported_peripherals parameter is cross checked agaisnt the IP (or cells) found in an XSA file using the HSI API

Below HSI is used to extract all cells with IP_NAME that matches the supported_peripherals parameter in the driver. If matched, the driver is added to the MSS file.

xsct% hsi::open_hw_design design_1_wrapper.xsa
xsct% hsi::get_cells -hierarchical -filter {IP_NAME==axi_gpio}
OPTION psf_version = 2.1;

BEGIN driver gpio

  OPTION supported_peripherals = (axi_gpio);
  OPTION driver_state = ACTIVE;
  OPTION copyfiles = all;
  OPTION NAME = gpio;

END driver

The driver init file is generated using the TCL file in the data folder

::hsi::utils::define_config_file $drv_handle "xgpio_g.c" "XGpio"  "DEVICE_ID" "C_BASEADDR" "C_INTERRUPT_PRESENT" "C_IS_DUAL"

In the example above, the xgpio_g.c file is generated at the XGpio struct is initialised with the “DEVICE_ID” “C_BASEADDR” “C_INTERRUPT_PRESENT” and “C_IS_DUAL” parameters that are populated in the xparameter.h file.