As discussed above, The SDT (System Device Tree) is a new concept in Vitis unified flow. Previously, in Vitis Classic the HW metadata was extracted directly from the XSA using HSI API in an “AD Hoc” manner when needed by the Vitis tools; such as extracting processors for platform creation or extracting IP for BSP creation. In Vitis Unified flow, we now create a SDT when we generate the platform and this is used to provide the hardware metadata to Vitis via the Lopper utility. Similar to the device tree concept used in Linux. However, as the name sugests the SDT is a System level device tree where all the CPU clusters (with their respective address map) and system level memory whereas a typical linux device tree is specific to the address map of a target processor such as the Cortex A53 #0. All components are derived from the SDT such as the Platform, Application, Domain, ect. The SDT will be used to create a processor targeted device tree too. It is also used to derive system level metadata such as the IP in an address map, and processors.